Some Wednesdays ago, I didnt pass the night in My Hostel, I slept - TopicsExpress


Some Wednesdays ago, I didnt pass the night in My Hostel, I slept at a Friends place which is nearby. I took a bachelor-made Egusi soup and Semovita- which cost Me some fortunes and drew My energy to some length, even I was profusely sweating- that night. While leaving, I failed to lock the doors, although I tried to call the attention of my Hostel mates in that respect before vacating the premises but taking the apparent silence into consideration, I assumed they have slept. I relunctantly kept a meager hope that perhaps one of them would wake up before the midnight and via that, the doors might be locked for good. Prior to that day, We have been having serious issues with the invasion of domestic Livestocks- Goats, Dogs, Fowls and Pigeons from nearby- into our hostel as they often pay us uninvited visits and by which they cause much disarray in the Hostel lounges, scattering the dirts away from the bins housing them, making expendable intervention while anyone is trying to wash some eating and cooking utensils from the previous cook or meal. These We have endured with sizeable understanding because their owners- being indegenes and which we dont want to have to engage in fisticuffs- are always put into considerations but despite reporting the trespasses of their livestocks to them on countless occasions, no visible actions was inaugurated by the owners of these livestocks. I came back the following morning, with the hope of feeding on the remaining Egusi Soup, I contemplated whether Rice or Eba would be a good partner with the Soup but to my utmost dismay, the Soup has been messed up!. I couldnt believe My eyes for some seconds but when I saw the litters on the ground. I got the message, the uninvited guests had attacked our hostel overnight; again!. I feel sad and relunctantly, I packed up the reminants, I disposed them off, I washed the utensils and I had to clean the Hostel. There were sympathy and some discussions about the incident, but at last, I lost My hard-earned-cooked soup and I had nothing to eat that morning. I rued that incident and I bemoaned My single mistake of not persuading My hostel mates to lock the door, even if its to wake them from their sleep; a Lesson I learnt in the hard way and which Id never repeat again!. My People, We are witnessing some rise in rainfall these days and that is to notify us that the much awaited Raining/Rainy Season is here. Change in weather is bound to take place as wed have some relief from the harsh heat of the harmattan. The Farmers shall grown Maize, We shall have abundance of Yams and very many other farm produce will be available; even Vegetables will grow where We didnt plan to grow it. However, as sweet as its prospects promise, the much danger that lies ahead are to be studied before hand too in order to avoid inestimable danger. * There should be proper maintenance of Drainage channels and no refuse should be dumped there, while raining or not. Contrary to this would block the passage of water and Flooding is bound when ever there is heavy downpour. * Carry Your umbrella to work often these days cos Youd never know when it might precipitate and your Clothes, mobile electronics and other valuables you wont want to be damaged by water are threatened if not well protected. *Keep your environment clean. This will prevent breeding of mosquitoes which transmit malaria and brain fever and will also eradicate unwanted plants that might serve as abode for dangerous animals. *Always use mosquito repellents (Skin creams or commercially available vaporisers) if staying in mosquito infested areas. Some kids are very sensitive to these products and hence parents need to speak with the pediatrician before using it on their child. * Wash your hands with soap after using the toilet every time and wash your hands with soap before meals. * Younger ones should be vested with Sweaters and other heat-generating clothes against the cold feelings of Rain. * Ask for drinks without ice unless the ice is made from bottled or boiled water. Hot Meals will be fine after rain fall, at least to raise up the body temperature from the shiverings and fever. * Read Weather forecasts very well and plan with it. Although GOD is in control over everything and meteorologist cant be correct atimes but its best to be prepared. * Make sure that your immunisation schedule is up to date. Vaccines are available to protect against typhoid, hepatitis A and certain types of pneumonia and Flu. Please, do not go to public places if you are sick, this will help in prevention of transmission of illness to others. * For drivers; drive carefully, slow down, stay toward the middle lanes, maintain proper distance, drive in the tracks of a car ahead of you, dont follow large trucks or buses too closely. Take care when passing them as well; if you must pass, do so quickly and safely and make sure the Wipers are effectively working. My little mistake for failing to lock the door while leaving Hostel late at night cost Me My breakfast the following morning; failure to meet the looming Rainy Season with the essential preparations could be disastrous too. GOD Bless us all!
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 08:11:17 +0000

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