Some Western leaders are trigger happy people and follow the - TopicsExpress


Some Western leaders are trigger happy people and follow the cowboy policy of “ shoot first and question later .” The new leaders are young and well educated and academically well qualified in their professions but unfortunately unlike their predecessors in the cold war era have little or no practical experience in the world affairs particularly in the third world countries . The new leaders are some how attention seekers and too keen to get involved with the problems of other nations without hesitation or consultation with their own nations and then find themselves and their countries stuck in the mud of wars and conflicts of other people such as the Middle East and Africa we experienced in recent years . On many occasions the Western leaders are finding themselves out of touch with reality and public opinions on so many important issues such as taking the country to war without consultation with the people and the parliament in accordance with the democratic principle but when they do they find themselves wrong and isolated from public supports and face public criticism . Every government in every country in the world has its own domestic problems including US, UK and the rest of EU but each one has its own mechanism to deal with the situation without the help of any one from outside or letting any one to get involved in the internal affairs of the country . What we are seeing to day is that when there is a small local problem or tribal conflict in Africa , Asia and the Middle East the world powerful leaders are immediately getting involved and intervening without hesitation or being invited by any body or permitted by their own people to join the conflicts and they should mind their own business and let the other people sort out their own problems with their own governments as they have done for many centuries .
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 10:50:50 +0000

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