Some Words Regarding The Blessed Lands Of Yemen - TopicsExpress


Some Words Regarding The Blessed Lands Of Yemen Al-Allaamatush- Shaykh Muhammad Abdul-Wahhaab Al-Bannaa Al-Misree hafidhullaahu taaalaa said: By Allaah the most preferable and more excellent lands of the world, now (today) flourishing with implementation of ad-Dawatus- Salafiyyah, knowledge, and teaching is found with the People of Yemen! (taken from As has been related by Imaam al-Bukhaaree and Imaam Musilm in their Saheeh the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet sallallaahu alayhr wa sallam said, The people of Yemen have come. They are more weak and soft-hearted. Eemaan (belief) is Yemenite, and Hikmah (wisdom) is also Yemenite. As-Sakeenah (calmness) is the quality of the sheep owners. While pride and haughtiness are the qualities of the camel owners towards the place of sunrise The Prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam,also made Du’aa for Yemen in his saying, Oh Allaah bless us in our Shaam and in our Yemen. He said this three times and after every time the people of Najd said, and in our Najd, Oh Messenger of Allaah! He said, Earthquakes and tribulations (fitnah) are there and from there will rise the horn of Shaytaan. It is said that the Najd which is mentioned here is the Najd of ‘Iraaq. During the time of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, 13 places were known as Najd (according to Najd Qarnush-Shaytaan) depending on where one was. This is because Najd linguistically means a raised/ elevated land. Therefore the Arabs referred to lands that were elevated with respect to them as Najd. One of the most commonly referred to areas as Najd at that time was Iraaq. Ibn Haajr said in Fathul-Baaree vol-13/ pages 58-59) Al-Khattaabee said: The Najd in the direction of the east, and for one who is in Madeenah then his Najd would be -Baadiya Al-Iraaq wa Nawaaheehaa- the desert of Iraaq and its regions for this is to the east of the People of Madeenah. The basic meaning of Najd is that which is raised and elevated from the earth in contravention to Al-Gawr for that is what is lower than it. Tihaamah (the coastal plain along the south-western and southern shores of the Arabian Peninsula) is entirely Al-Gawr and Makkah is in Tihaamah. Ibn Haajr continues, by this (saying of Al-Khattaabee) the weakness of saying of Daawoodee is understood that Najd is -min Naahiya Al-Iraaq-in the direction of Iraaq for he suggests that Najd is a specific place. This is not the case, rather everything that is elevated with respect to what adjoins it is called Najd and the lower area called Gawr. Ad-Dawatus- Salafiyyah has become dominant in Yemen today and this is of no surprise considering that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, Verily Eemaan is Yamaanin and Hikmah is Yamaaniyyah and I find the Nafas (assistance) of Ar-Rahmaan coming from Yemen. This hadeeth has been collected by Imaam Ahmad in his Musnad (no.10978) upon the authority of Aboo Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him. Ibn Faaris said in Maqaayeesul- Lughah, A nafas is anything that alleviates a burden. Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Al-Uthaymeen rahimahu Allaah said in al-Qawaaidul- Muthlaa fee Sifaatillaahi wa Asmaaihil-Husnaa, So then the meaning of the hadeeth is that Allaah will alleviate the burdens of the believers by way of the people of Yemen. Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahu Allaahu taaalaa said: And they were the ones who fought the apostates and conquered many lands. So, by way of them, Ar-Rahmaan alleviated the burdens of the believers. [ Majmooul-Fataawaa (6/398) ].
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:47:09 +0000

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