Some are not finding my study, so I will repost - TopicsExpress


Some are not finding my study, so I will repost here. Calculating the birth of the MA-shi-YAHH from Luke 1:5 Luk 1:5 (ISRV) There was in the days of Herodes, the sovereign of Yehuḏah, a certain priest named Zeḵaryah, of the division of Aḇiyah. And his wife was of the daughters of Aharon, and her name was Elisheḇa. The context goes on to tell the story of the MA-la-HHAH (angel) GAB-ri-EL visiting Zeḵaryah (ZE-hhar-YAH) while he was burning incense in the Temple to announce that his wife would have a baby called YA-hu-hhaNAN. The idea here is that if we can know when YA-hu-hhaNAN was conceived, knowing that YA-hu-shuA was conceived 6 months later, we could plausibly find the birth of YA-hu-hhaNaN, and the birth of YA-hu-shuA 6 months later. Lets do this in steps. Step 1: Establishing when ZE-hhar-YAH was saving Step 2: Establishing the time of the conception of YA-hu-hhaNAN Step 3: Establishing the time of the conception of YA-hu-shuA Step 4: Establishing the time of the birth of YA-hu-hhaNAN Step 5: Establishing the time of the birth of YA-hu-shuA Step 1: Establishing when ZE-hhar-YAH was saving How do we know when ABH-i-YAH was serving? For that, lets go first to I Chron 24:4-6 1Chron 24:4 And there were more leaders found of the sons of El‛azar than of the sons of Ithamar. So they divided the sons of El‛azar into sixteen heads of their fathers’ houses, and the sons of Ithamar into eight heads of their fathers’ houses. 1Chron 24:5 And they were divided by lot, one group as another, for there were officials of the set-apart place and officials of Elohim, from the sons of El‛azar and from the sons of Ithamar. 1Chron 24:6 And the scribe, Shemayah son of Nethanĕ’l, one of the Lĕwites, wrote them down before the sovereign, and the rulers, and Tsaḏoq the priest, and Ahịmeleḵ son of Eḇyathar, and the heads of the fathers’ houses of the priests and Lĕwites, one father’s house taken for El‛azar and one for Ithamar. 16 heads from the house of EL-a-ZAR plus 8 heads from the house of I-tha-MAR equals 24 heads of houses. I have checked myself, and there is nowhere in the text that says how long each family served. Some have speculated that because there are 12 months in a year, and from the monthly assignment of gatekeepers being 12 months (IChron 27:1-16), then 12 months divided by 4 divisions would mean each division served 2 weeks. From this, many speculate that they served 2 weeks in a row. However, the Scriptures dont tell us that. When I was very new to this study, I got to thinking, what if, when the YA-hu-DHIM came back from Babylon in the book of Ezra, and their first slaughtering was made on the 1st day of the 7th month, they may have begun at the beginning of the division in the 7th month so that the 8th division, ad 2 divisions per month, would be in the second half of 10th month, so that with a 13th month it would be possible to have the conception of the MA-shi-YAHH in the 3rd month of the following year, YA-hu-hhaNAN born on or near the beginning of the 7th month, and the MA-shi-YAHH born 6 months later in the first month of the following year. This is still a possibility, however, further research uncovered another plausible scenario that could come out with the same result, a birth of the MA-shii-YAHH in the 1st month. The only source outside the Scriptures I am aware of, unfortunately, is Josephus, not my favorite guy. Still, he tells us that, at least at the time just before the destruction of the Temple, the division was split so that each each family served 1 week the first half of the month the 2nd half of the week. For the ourposes of this study, I am going with the second term of the year, beginning with the 7th month, at 4 weeks/divisions per month, that would put the time of the course of ABH-i -YAH for the 2nd term, at the last week of the 8th month Step 2: Establishing the time of the conception of YA-hu-hhaNAN It would seem that Abh-i-YAH only served that one time during the last week of the 8th month because he went mute right after the visit, it could have been at any time during that week. Also it doesnt say that conception took place immediately after he got home, so, to be safe, since it could have been the last day, of the week, lets say for the purposes of this study that EL-i-sheba conceived on the 10th day of the next month. Step 3: Establishing the time of the conception of YA-hu-shuA If, as I say, YA-hu-hhaNAN was conceived in the 10th day of the 9th month, then YA-hu-shuA would have been conceived at Pentecost. Step 4: Establishing the time of the birth of YA-hu-hhaNAN This would put the birth of YA-hu-hhaNAN born before, or in a longer term pregnancy, on what is called The Feast of Trumpets The Greek Orthodox Church pins the birth of YA-hu-hhaNAN to the 29th of August, which is plausibly right around that area of time. Step 5: Establishing the time of the birth of YA-hu-shuA If YA-hu-shuA were conceived at Pentecost, He could most plausibly be born on the first day of the next month, which is what I truly believe happened.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:13:36 +0000

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