Some argue that settler colonial apartheid Israel is a legal - TopicsExpress


Some argue that settler colonial apartheid Israel is a legal entity, lives under international law and is entitled to its benefits- This is a fallacy. A Jewish state was created by UNGA Resolution 181 on 53% of historic Palestine without the consent of the indigenous people of Palestine, the Palestinians. That country was to be democratic and the majority of its population was to be Palestinians. Instead, settler colonial apartheid Israel occupied 78% of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed the majority of the Palestinians, denied the right of Palestinians to return to their homes in violation of but not limited to UNGA Resolution 194, and instituted an apartheid system favoring Jews. In 1967 settler colonial apartheid Israel occupied the remaining 22% of historic Palestine and refused to withdraw in violation of UNSC Resolution 242. Today Israel is a settler colonial apartheid state that is in control of 100% of historic Palestine and the majority of the Palestinians have been ethnically cleansed by force and denied their right to return. Occupation, colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing are crimes against humanity and subject the perpetrators to sanctions and punishment under international law. In the case of South Africa, membership in international organizations was frozen, total and severe boycott, divestment and sanctions were imposed and the entire system was criminalized and outlawed. South Africa was forced to repudiate its racist ideology, decolonize, and dismantle its system of apartheid. This is the only way to solve and deal with the settler colonial apartheid Israeli system!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:25:49 +0000

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