Some beginner FAQ That migjt answer some questions if you think - TopicsExpress


Some beginner FAQ That migjt answer some questions if you think about starting Crossfit What does “scaling” mean? Scaling is another commonly used word in CrossFit. It just means modifying the load (ex: the weight) and intensity level of the workout to fit YOUR fitness level. For example, the workout involves doing push-ups, but you are not able to do push-ups. Does this mean you can’t do this movement in the workout? Of course not. Here is where “scaling” comes in. Perhaps, you can try doing a modified push-up on your knees? Or if that is too challenging, another scaling option will provided by your coach. Why are your prices significantly higher than a typical gym membership? CrossFit Oslo is a combination between personal training and group fitness. Therefore, our prices are substantially higher than a regular gym, but substantially lower than traditional personal training. We aren’t ashamed of our prices because we know how much better our product is than a traditional gym membership. In fact, our rates are lower than the standard rates for most CrossFit Affiliate gyms. Ultimately, you are the only one that can decide if joining CrossFit Oslo is right for you. I’ve heard CrossFit is a proponent of the Paleo Diet. What is the Paleo Diet? Modern diets are ill suited for our genetic composition. Evolution has not kept pace with advances in agriculture and food processing resulting in a plague of health problems for modern man. Coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, and psychological dysfunction have all been scientifically linked to a diet too high in refined or processed carbohydrate. Search the internet for Paleolithic nutrition or diet; the return is extensive, compelling, and fascinating. The Caveman model is perfectly consistent with the CrossFit prescription. We have had numerous first-hand success stories in our gym with many of our members following this diet. They have lost weight, tossed medications aside, and have experienced overall improvement. We don’t force any food choices, but offer any guidance when asked. What can I expect when coming to class? Each class is 60 minutes long and consists of four main parts: a warm-up, a full review of the movements in the workout and your scaling options, the workout itself, and then cool-down/stretching. Our members know everyone’s names and we encourage camaraderie. What if your class times do not fit in my schedule? Come in for your introductory session and we can see what we can do for you. Do I need to be in shape to take CrossFit classes? No, you don’t. Through different scaling options, any individual, no matter their fitness-level, can do CrossFit. What matters the most is your commitment to the program and willingness to push yourself. Your coach will make sure you aren’t making it too easy on yourself or too hard. Do I need prior experience to take CrossFit classes? Absolutely not. CrossFit attracts people from all walks of life. Whether you are a former college athlete or a 70-year-old grandmother, the workouts can be scaled to your capabilities and be made to not only challenge you, but also substantially increase your fitness. Will I get too big and bulky by doing CrossFit? (Ladies ask this one often) In order for people to get bigger, especially women, there are two things that you have to make a concerted effort to do: 1. Pick up very heavy weight on a frequent basis. This is not something we do. Yes, we are very concerned about your strength and we do lift heavy some days but this is not our main focus. 2. Eat an extremely high calorie diet. For most people to gain muscle mass it takes a highly concentrated effort in eating the right foods in a high amount. This is also something that we do not focus on.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 07:49:29 +0000

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