Some comments on „Facebook Friendship“ [perspective of a 62 - TopicsExpress


Some comments on „Facebook Friendship“ [perspective of a 62 years old man ;-)] Let’s assume you are an extroverted person, you are open, you like to communicate, you love to be with your friends, to share your ideas, expertise etc. And let us assume for a moment, there is NO Web2.0. No Facebook, no other social media, no Internet. How much of your friends do you see on a regular basis? Be honest: How much of your friends give you a feeling of “growing” within your friendship? How much of it is an exchange on the daily routine? How much of it is to help neighbours and to get help? How much empathy is really in your friendship? How much of your friendships really have to do with YOU? And not with the roles you are playing? As mother, as a father, as a neighbor? As an expert in gardening…and….and… How emotionally deep are your friendships? How cursory are your friendships? May be we keep our “real” friendships primarily for the reason to not feel lonely? As older parents: How often do you still meet your kids? Do you keep traditions and see your kids at Christmas etc.? How is the relationship with your partner? How large is the intersection of your common interests? If it is small: Do you realize it? Are you still interested to make it larger again, the both of you? And now there is Facebook: You increase the number of your contacts with other people. You intuitively design your network according to the multiple interests you have. It’s possible to share your passions with other people worldwide. There is a much higher possibility for learning in the different fields of your passions. I am highly interested in the field of using social media for our next generations learning processes. My wife is not. My wife is highly interested in history. I am not, so much. I am highly interested in travelling abroad. My wife is not. We both are highly interested in commonly taking time for hiking, for cooking together, for gardening, for our kids etc. etc. And: Without Facebook I would have no or only a very little chance to satisfy ALL my other interests and to exchange with others. With Facebook this is possible. For me this results in a high impact on my positive feelings or happiness. Which are changing over time – on Facebook too. Quite natural, isn’t it? So FB friends come and go, and I realize there is kernel of “hard core friends”, a kernel with a high stability and duration. And with a tremendous potential and impact on our emotions, merely positive. A big potential for even a kind of emotional exchange, which possibly in the non-virtual world would not be possible. So my conclusion: FB offers you an immense potential for upgrading your personal network with people sharing your passions. People, who you would NOT meet in the non-virtual world. And this probably keeps a lot of your personal passions unfulfilled, which is a pity and would keep out a big potential for letting you grow. Amen and thanks to Mark Zukkermään ;-)
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:40:10 +0000

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