Some cops are nothing but damn criminals ! Just take a good look - TopicsExpress


Some cops are nothing but damn criminals ! Just take a good look art this video and see for yourself what these Michigan cops did to an homeless mentally ill black man named Milton Hall ! Only the freaking Hitlers Nazis would be proud of what these bastards did to this poor guy ! In 1987 i had a fist fight with one of the former world top boxing contender at 235 Grandravine Dr parking lot, who attacked me with a cold weapon similar but longer than knife and i was able to manage that situation ! If he did that to cops, they would have shot him dead, but in my case they almost arrested me because his nose was a bit bloodied than mine, when they arrived at the scene ! I was able to manage this damn boxer and cops were not able to manage this poor guy in the video without shooting and killing him ! I still have a copy of the police occurrence file on this case ! Some time ago there was an incident in my Town of Labin where i was born, involving a drunken man threatening his neighbors and passers by ! He was armed with a knife in one hand and a meat cleaver in another ! Three cops arrived at the scene and they managed to subdue and arrest him without shooting or killing him, unlike these cowards in uniform in this video who killed this poor mentally ill man ! Recently there was an incident in China, when four cops were beating a woman ! They would not stop beating her until the crowd took justice in their own hand killing all four cops ! Now, i am not saying that the crowd was right, i am just saying what can happen when cops are behaving like judge and executioners !
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:11:28 +0000

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