Some days doing what I do can be tiring and hard and emotional. - TopicsExpress


Some days doing what I do can be tiring and hard and emotional. Some days I do think to myself I should just stop and get on with my life. Then there are messages like this that come at the best possible time in your life and it spurs you on. Not only to continue doing what I am doing but to keep fighting the fight even louder, even if it is a lonely journey. This message was sent to me on my Facebook page and as requested I am sharing for him. Thank you Adam for your message. Perfect timing my friend :D Adam Sep 26th, 11:02am Dear Nicky, I would just like to say on behalf of a lot of us here on your page thank you. I am a sufferer of PTSD and Depression after returning from a stint overseas with the armed forces. There are many pages out there who support and try to make us sufferers feel better about ourselves. Your page is the only one who I have found that is from someone who has been there and done that. I have shared a lot of your posts and writings with my friends who have also suffered and are suffering. They also agree that a lot of what you write comes from where they know. From what I have found out about you, you are doing this because you care along with work and family life AND trying to recover from your own demons. I have also looked at your walk page and what you did there for awareness and for the Royal Flying Doctors is incredible. Some people say and do nothing. You say and do, and that is what makes you one in a million. Thank you so much for everything you do for us. You may not get told it as a lot of people who do this don’t, but please be assured it is appreciated by a lot of your friends. I was going to post this on your page but I have decided to write it to you here as no-one will see the post. Please do me a favour and copy and paste this to your charity wall as I am sure a lot of people would like the opportunity to say thank you. Good luck Nicky and keep up the amazing work young lady. You are a true carer in this sometimes harsh world. Proud to be associated with Out of the Shadows. If you need anything from me to help you please do not hesitate to let me know. Regards with the utmost respect Adam.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:17:46 +0000

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