Some days life just gives you a kick in the teeth. Often - TopicsExpress


Some days life just gives you a kick in the teeth. Often becausevof information that you werent expecting which takes the wind out of your sails. Im having one of those days. The funny thing is when you get past your shock or hurt and anger. Part of you realises that you werent really suprised. Youve been hurt, knocked down, and felt emotionally blasted, thats life, if everything was easy where would the challenge be. So release the people and things that hurt you. Straighten your back, wipe off your tears, put on the smile and take the first step down a new path Today Im grateful for the knowledge I gained today. Im grateful for the very helpful ladies in the shop. Im grateful my family forgave my temper tantrum. Im grateful to pick myself up and think so what , in the end. Im grateful that new paths give us another chance to try again. Hope this finds you all well and safe. See you on the flipsude
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 15:33:41 +0000

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