Some description of the Musaleen (observer of prayers) who will - TopicsExpress


Some description of the Musaleen (observer of prayers) who will enter Jannah. These are some of the basic characteristics required. And those who believe in the Day of Recompense. And those who are fearful of the punishment of their Lord - Indeed! The torment of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure. (70:26-28) The believers should truly believe and be confirmed that the day of judgement will come. What this means actually is by being constant in their prayers and by giving other people their rights from their moneys. they prove that they truly believe in judgement day. That proves that you are terrified of Allahs punishment, Your terrified that Allah will hold you on the other side, how come you didnt pray? and if you prayed how come your prayer didnt have any effect on you? why were you of those kinds of people? NOBODY IS SAFE FROM THE PUNISHMENT OF ALLAH. These musaleen are not self righteous, thats the other danger in praying regularly and helping other people, you start to think that alhamdulillah im good now, i have a lot of taqwa now. If you felt like you already had taqwa then you shouldnt be that scared of Hell fire anymore BUT the musaleen are like, man im making salat but i hope its good enough, im making wudu i hope its good enough, their not sure of themselves still, THEY HOLD THAT BALANCE BETWEEN HOPE AND FEAR! I ask everyone who reads this status to read the translation of Surah Maarij. youtube/watch?v=wHKD7ZLNWWI May Allah make us among the musaleen. May Allah swt really grant us the balance between hope and fear of Him. Ameen.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:58:42 +0000

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