Some dismal conversations I had in the past few days. I feel like - TopicsExpress


Some dismal conversations I had in the past few days. I feel like an alien in this world. X and Y shall remain unidentified. X: The students deserve to be sprayed. Me: They are not doing anything wrong. X: They acted against the laws. Me: The laws are made by people. X: If they disrupt order, they need to be removed. Me: So you condone police violence. X: If necessary, they need to be shot. Me: WTF!? X: If one policemen is provoked, ten students may be shot and the police is not to be blamed. Me: Violence cannot be justified, especially under such circumstances when all the students carried were umbrella and masks! X: They should know who they were dealing with in the first place. Me: How about Tian’anmen? You think the PLA did the right thing running over the demonstrators with the tanks, piled up the corpse and just burned them away? X: Tian’anmen is a solemn place for the country. If the people refused to go away, they would have to meet their fate. Me: So killing all disobedient people is your principle. X: Kill the disobedient ones and the obedient ones will remain obedient. Me: And you are Christian? Isn’t ‘Thou shalt not kill’ the first commandment? X: Kill the disobedient ones and the obedient ones will remain obedient. You hear me. Y: I hate troublemakers. Why can’t they just mind their own business? Me: Sometimes people make troubles precisely because they care. Y: They just want to make trouble and they should be taken away. Me: So what to do with people you don’t like or agree with? Make them disappear? Y: Only if I can. Me: How about Hitler sending millions of Jews to gas chambers simply because Jews were not liked? Y: Hitler was great. Me: WTF!? Y: The world was overpopulated anyway. Me: WTF!?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 03:37:54 +0000

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