Some entitled individual decided she was going to smoke directly - TopicsExpress


Some entitled individual decided she was going to smoke directly inside the laundromat tonight because screw NYS law. So, not expecting to pass a smoker on my way to the machines, I inhaled a big old puff of her smoke. Yay asthma, but dont worry about how exhausted I am now from barely being able to breath, and how shaky and weak I got trying to deal with my clothes after using my emergency inhaler. Just so long as you get a comfy puff on your stupid death stick. Im a fat woman, I probably deserved to die anyway, right? People after must have thought I was seriously out of shape as I huffed and puffed moving the clothes from machine to machine and even had to stop a few times to just lean on my laundry pile. I felt like I might just go to sleep on the clothes, half-standing, from the exhaustion + less oxygen intake. If you smoke, I dont hate you, but please try to remember that anti-smoking laws are not to punish you and make you an outcast. Theyre to protect those of us who can die from accidentally inhaling your second-hand smoke by force. You have every right to smoke. You dont have every right to force others (including children) into (potentially deadly) asthma attacks just so you can get a quick hit in or right outside a public building.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:44:25 +0000

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