Some facts to bring in notice especially for freshers 1) - TopicsExpress


Some facts to bring in notice especially for freshers 1) According to SFI a new model they will bring. Don’t know what new now they will bring, I am scaring. From last 1 and half year I am just seeing very unsafe campus, accidents, suicide cases, teasing etc.. 2) SFI always said that they made campus friendly for girls, but being in power of SFI, most of the time girls are face the problem of teasing.... and every moment SFI people just clapping. Evan in this semester a Bengali girl is teased by some driver going from south campus to north campus.... But they just only clapping not even came forward to protect her. Thanks a Chemistry PHD scholar who took some action and with the help of security personal and handed over that driver to the police personal. 3) Freedom of girls. What Freedom SFI provide to girls when they could not provide safety. Being in power SFI show very careless attitude towards the women security.... Evan not only women, they not care for safety of other students too. Evan SFI not shows and even not tries to fulfill the minimum standard of safety. A suspicious death of south campus due to that university lost a Girl student. Its happened because Student union (SFI) never arrange security personal for under construction building which comes under normal safety rules. 4) The president of last union (SFI) lived in campus but I never felt his presence around us. He is a guy whenever some incident happened he always busy in chit chat and tea and came on spot only when he criticized with students. Evan he never show a attitude of president. I always saw him like he search the solutions and always depend on their senior party personal. Means don’t know whether he was the president or someone else. SFI president show very weak and poor attitude towards taking decision. 5) The worst part of SFI i never understand why they people always worried of other country. I am living in India, I always think about my nation and surrounding. Why these guys always talk about other countries Seria , US and all. We are First INDIAN so think about our nation problems. How we can grow. How we can increase the values of Rupees compare to Dollar. How our common people can get the food and all.... But they never talk about these problems... They never talk about the basic things and fool the students by talking non-sense international issues and show how intelligent they are. Evan they are not thought about our campus problems. Brothers First our Nation. Solve our campus problems than go for others. But they always did the same thing in the whole year. 6) I don’t understand SFI. SFI said they not distribute the student on the basis of state, cast and religion bases. But I think they hit only on those bases only to all students. SFI always creates distances between student on the bases of state and on caste bases. 7) Corruption issue SFI minimize the budget. I don’t know the past 7 year but yes I am sure they successfully did that minimum budget of the year. And have to give the award too but they forget that they increase the budget of health centre. From last one year around 14 times I went to the health centre due to stomach infection only. They reduce budget of student union by reducing facilities for student. Minimum requirement Water (without purified water cants survive and also caused for many stomach infection.) 8) Hostel rooms. We 3 person lived in one room due to my beloved SFI or student union people last year. Bcoz from past 3 year they don’t care for hostel and even in this 2nd year we get only one hostel handed over to students in the end of first semester. I observe around and most of other hostels are in same position of under construction. So I can say congratt to student union (SFI) for reducing the budget without caring of student’s health and living problems. CONGRATT SFI for giving a warm welcome for new fresh students that they also enjoyed with us such water, food, hostel problems from admission to the end of semester. How fresher s suffered for living and have to stay in one room 3-4 people . never get a feel of living in room or at railway station rest room. Thanks to SFI for giving such big warm welcome for fresher and u realized and practiced them that they can live in Railway station. I have many things to say but I am not so much good in all these things. I experienced from last one and half year such problems which I am sharing with new fresher’s and I think they also felt same hostel, water, food problems, safety , ragging from starting of admission to till now end of semester. I just say to fresher’s as well old students who caste their valuable vote last year to SFI have to think now for bringing a change in campus what u face from admission to now.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:23:01 +0000

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