Some features of the theory and some facts about seven star mantis - TopicsExpress


Some features of the theory and some facts about seven star mantis origin. Qixing tanglang quan, seven star mantis boxing, differs from it’s brother, plum blossom flower mantis, in that it contains longer distinguish movements, wide rack, straight punches, and a series of attacks carried out from one spot (stance). It is currently referred to as part of the group of hard styles. Mistakenly, some would believe that its name comes from the characteristic “qi-xing” step with exposed forward hooked up foot and a reminder of Ursa Major. It is incorrect, however, we will discuss this more in this paper. There are many versions of this style’s origin. Most of them, in our humble opinion, was simply copied from websites and diluted by some details, and afterward these stories became not only legendary, but also fabulous. In addition to all these, there is a popular belief among the inhabitants of Yantai city, narrating that the first patriarch of the seven star mantis fist - Wang Yunsheng, after defeating by famous mantis boxing master Jiang Hualong, made friends with him and began to learn Jiang’s mantis style. Because Wang Yunsheng was already very capable in some variation of the long fist style, created by him style included a flavor of long fist as well. We can agree with it or not. Now it is difficult to say how it was in reality. We believe that in all these stories there is some grain of truth. In this article, we would like to introduce to you this issue covered by master Wang himself. The final decision regarding the truth will be yours to make. Historically seven star mantis boxing has currently become the most popular style of all mantis boxing styles in the world. Maybe that was the reason why so many people believe that seven star mantis boxing is the oldest style, as well as the idea that it was the basis for other mantis styles. A similar thought is very popular among of all Chinese boxing schools. Commonly considered ancient means true. Unfortunately such tradition to ascribing antiquity to itself, sometimes even to historical records, greatly hinders objective investigation about transformation of mantis style into modern seven star mantis fist, which is so popular now in the West countries. In the article about Meihua tanglang-quan, we mention that before generation of masters Liang Xuexiang (applies to genealogy of Meihua tanglang-quan) and Li Zhijian (ascribed to genealogy of Qixing tanglang-quan), mantis boxing was most likely expressed in one style, which included such ancient forms as Luan-jie (chaotic interrupt), Beng-bu (collapse and filling), Fen-shen-ba-zhou (division of the body into eight elbows), Lao-zhai-yao (old essential forms). This statement is partially based on the survival of an old form called Lao-zhai-yao (old essential forms), which was transmitted inside of Meihua tanglang-quan by master Sun Yuanchang, who inherited it from Li Zhijian’s nephew, and a mention of which form we can find in later manuscripts of seven star mantis boxing, where this form for the convenience of the study was redone into six forms. In any case, after some time and with wider transmission of mantis boxing traditions new generation of artists began to add their own personal knowledge and recycled the old. Qixing tanglang-quan is not an exception. The creator of modern seven star mantis, as was mentioned earlier, is considered to be master Wang Yongchun, second name is Wang Yunsheng. We will not retell the master, and allow him to tell us himself what few people know. This is what Master Wang wrote in his manuscript introduction: “Predictors of seven star mantis fist. In my younger years, in the morning I worked on literature, in the evening studied military affairs. In civil sciences I was not lucky, so I chose martial arts. In the fifth year of the “Tong-zhi” motto (1867) in Yantai city nearby Fu-zhi mountain I began to study methods of strikes and kicks of Taoist school from Hua-shan mountains at its seventeenth patriarch Li Yichun, and at the same time received spiritual guidance from him. In the eleventh year of the reign under the motto Tong Zhi I was in Wen Deng city and studied treatise Di-long (treatise of land’s dragon). In the fourteenth year of the motto Guang Xu when I was teaching this doctrine in Yantai, I met master Li Zhijian and began to study selected techniques of his mantis boxing such as zhai yao, ba zhou and others. About twenty forms I traded to my younger gong-fu brother Hao Shunjing for more than ten forms, as well as I receiving treatise of the true transmission techniques of Shaolin. I studied Buddhist treatises, for the strength of the body I did Shaolin luohan-gong, iron hand and other exercises. For internal development, meditation and health promotion I used Taoist methods from Hua-shan mountain. Through searching I reached the True, with the True I gain the Art. Simultaneous practice on internal and external strengthened my energy and my spirit, thereby putting me in a prominent place among those like me. And all of it was patronized by star “Kui” in my “Kui De tang” hall (Hall of Kui star’s Virtue), one of the constellation Ursa Major, thus initiating the Seven Stars Mantis Fist. Worried that what I created over time will be forgotten, I wrote here briefly how it all began for the edification of future generations. Qing state, Shandong Province, the residence of Deng Zhou, Fu-shan county, Zhi-Fu district of Yantai city, Western outpost, “Kui De Tang” Hall, at dawn by the records. Wang Yun Sheng, In the 18th year of the reign under the motto Guang Xu (1893), the first month, the first day of New Moon” From this part of master Wang Yun Sheng’s treatise, we clearly see how, when and from what subjects Seven star mantis style was made. Definitely it was not a new style. Master Wang, through his understanding and experience expanded and enriched the original style of mantis fist, created something unique for that period of time, combined hard external Shaolin practices and soft “internal” practices of Taoist schools from Hua-shan mountain with methods and techniques of mantis boxing. Here are the first few lines of the introductory chapter of his treatise, lecturing the future students of Seven Stars Mantis: “Those who decided to study seven stars mantis style are going by a great path. What the great path is? Great path was generated by Heaven itself! Therefore, we call him The Way – Tao, generated by Heaven. Tao gives birth to One, One creates Two, Two gives birth to Three, Three generates ten thousand things...” In this passage, we can clearly see the influence of Taoist philosophy and cosmogony. But this is not just a tribute to the tradition and the previously obtained knowledge. Wang Yunsheng hereinafter gives us clear explanations of the practical content of these words. “... Mantis Fist combines the knowledge of ten schools. Let us appeal to the One and its derivatives. The One is: quan-fist, chui-hammer, zhang-palm, gou-hook, zhou-elbow, xi-knee, bi-hand, tun-buttocks, zu-foot, tui-leg and etc. All this belongs to the One. The Two - is: “shuang shou”-two hands, “shuang feng”-double sealing, ‘shuang luo”-twin grip, “shuang tanglang”-mantis twin grip, “qian yang”- pull a ram, “qing ke”-invite a guest and so on. All these techniques use two hands simultaneously. The Three is a combination of singles and doubles. Two hands in adding to mantis hand can generate a thousand combinations. As a matter of fact three by three gives nine, nine by nine - eighty one changes. Combinations of seven positions constitute related movements. Which is why we have «san shou»-three hands, «wu shou»-five hands, «qi shou» - seven hands, «jiu shou»-nine hands, what used alternately. There is also a «fan che lu lu chui» - strikes of rotating mill wheel and windlass. Six by six- thirty six, eight by eight - sixty four gates. Throughout there is a present of eighteen components. At the same time mantis hands feature is interrelated movements (环环相扣). Ring is inalienable from the circle, the circle from the ring. When a circle turns into a ring. Closing in a ring becomes perfect. So the circle is Taichi (Great Ultimate), containing the original Two - Yin and Yang - two Beginnings (两仪). In particular a pronounced by two rings connected together, which is a pair of circles. What is the meaning of a jade ring (玉环)? Jade symbolizes eight virtues. If we add one more word, we will get a jade ring. If you add a revolving hands (滚手), we will get continuously rotating arms (滚手连环). The hands movements contain Great Ultimate (太极). Movement is repetitive circles. No matter in what direction. There are direct circles, there are oblique, there are empty, there are full, to the left, to the right, up or down, forward or backward, complex or tangled, in a chaotic way. Opponents have no chance to attack, and if they dare to attack, the raid on the barrier, and therefore got maimed. Therefore it is said that in chaotic circles (乱环) hand waves (手动) and hand movements (动手) these are two different things. Waving hands only serves to sweep the arms away and training the paths, hand movements are for use stylistic techniques. On the other hand, hands are used for strikes, which include techniques such as press» (贴), «stuck» (黏), «support» (帮), «stick» (帖) and many others ... Throughout the chain of logic as a main tool in the description uses the Taoist symbol of Taichi, two peas passing from one to another, which is nothing more than a circle. The constant repetition of the last word clearly indicates the nature of the newly created style, as well as clearly describes the main tactical principle of mantis strike techniques. So where does Master Wangs further reasoning lead us? ”... The main focus of the seven stars mantis fist exists not in the shape. Soft and Hard are comparable with the head. Head leads the rest, including the body, hands, elbows. Relax your hips, roll back, tighten your buttocks, attack by revolving, retreat with revolving In the methods of the legs hidden adeptness, interconnectedness and continuity. Calm and mobility. In mobility lies quickness, in speed must seek sustainability, in sustainability - accuracy. Yin and Yang are intertwined and support each other. Pulling and sealing hands (拉封手), moving pressing hands (走逼手), seizing hands (抢手) It all comes to kicks, punches, throws and locks. Further in the manuscript there is a list of these techniques, after which master Wang began to delve into the details of the style. The previously mentioned words from the manuscript clearly tells us, that this shape, in which seven star mantis style reached our days, is probably attributed to Wang Yunsheng, who added his personal knowledge to the old style of Li Zhijian. Interestingly, in the beginning of introducing the style, master Wang also mentions the form Zhai Yao, which once again proves the truthfulness of the theory that the styles of masters Liang and Li are similar. It is very possible, two varieties and a wealth of mantis boxing styles in our present time we attribute to the former masters generation of the 19th century, when the style began to receive great popularity in eastern part of Shandong province, which is what finally led to the division of the school. We hope that the arguments above and our translation contains more truth than fiction. If anyone disagrees with the foregoing statements, we ask that you keep in mind that this is only the personal opinion of the author, and does not claim in any way to indiciate the absolute truth. Special thanks to my gongfu brother Robert Wheeler, who kindly helps me with translation.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:26:34 +0000

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