Some films I see I instantly forget (I go to the movies 5x a week) - TopicsExpress


Some films I see I instantly forget (I go to the movies 5x a week) - - this one, from Tribeca last year is on my mind tonight #Ferguson -- I can only hope what happens in this film - on both sides (the police/protestors) does not happen over the next few days. --- and now my essay on the evening - I struggle to construct something so simple that it can be tweeted out - as I tried all night and I failed miserably. While the issue is quite simple, same as Zimmerman / Martin (although cant we all agree George Zimmerman deserves an ass kicking?!) - it highlights a problem I think of as the shoot first ask questions later issue in law enforcement, that is if anything spooks an officer they may shoot you for any reason what so ever and feel justified because they feared for their life. Consider the no-knock warrant: its claimed lives on both sides of the line - law enforcement, innocent lives including children and family pets - and with little accountability for the officers doing the shooting (especially if the police are permitted to investigate themselves!). I know DA Robert McCulloch knocked the medias distortion of the facts, but it is the medias job to report what they come across (even as theyre arrested for doing their job as they were last August in Ferguson). How else would the news that the Ferguson PD once jailed and beat an innocent man, and when they discovered this fact they tried to charge him with destruction of property for bleeding on their uniforms. For those of you who Stand with Darren Wilson - why? Would you stand with a low level NAZI officer too? For folks in law enforcement - why would you support this guy and the Ferguson police department with a track record of violating civil rights while supplementing 25% of the town budget via for-profit policing initiatives and arresting reporters trying to obtain answers for the world? If anything my hope is major reforms and the kinds of cultural shifts the police unions genuinely fear will come out of this. While the teachers and teachers unions are quick to condemn the bad teachers, departments and police unions will rarely, if ever, admit they have the bad apples in their ranks. While Wilson is in negotiations to resign (perhaps he can go on tour with George Zimmerman - Im sure the KKK will be glad to sponsor), I imagine the FPD will experience the kind of shake up Wilsons first department, Jennings, MO had seen (that department was disbanded by the town council following several scandals). What the protestors should be fighting for is more transparency and real consequences for officers who use deadly force in situations - they shouldnt always be given the benefit of the doubt. Michael Brown is one outrageous, tragic case thats made all the more relevant because of place - the FPD has zero credibility quite frankly - but remember Ousane Zongo (shot in the back by an undercover NYPD officer who never identified himself as such) or Oscar Grant (shot by an officer while restrained, who claimed he was going for a taser gun he quite frankly didnt need)? Those officers were sort of convicted but didnt see any jail time. Kind of justice, but not really at all. Perhaps in addition to criminology courses, law enforcement degrees should also require extensive coursework in philosophy and critical thinking, perhaps then human dignity may be a factor in the discussion to take a life or not. These problems can be fixed - it takes elected officials with the balls to stand up to police unions and chiefs and demand change, accountability and above all transparency. Deadly force shouldnt be used on a whim, and based on the evidence presented its disappointing Wilson got away with the old I though my life was in jeopardy defense. While Brown was no saint something about the story simply doesnt add up - and with the FPDs history of us verses them and covering up mistakes, I dont fault the PEACEFUL protestors for their distrust of the system, the FPD and McCulloch.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:39:43 +0000

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