Some folks wonder about my Politics...well thats easy: I dont have - TopicsExpress


Some folks wonder about my Politics...well thats easy: I dont have any. I dont do politics, because throughout th history of Humanity its proven to be an absolute waste of time that OFTEN leads to some very horrible places. Im First Nation and I am Pagan...Ancient Ways from 30+ Generations of such. I dont see the world through political lenses...I see it through Eyes, and I see People. I see Lives. I see a species getting handed the sh*t end of the stick by those entrusted with authority and Responsibility--choosing always (like obama) to throw aside the Responsibility and cling to the Authority like Barnacles on the hull of a ship. Then, theres the marxists/communists/socialists/leftists...theyre all the same damned thing, and Cyanide by any other name is still just as suicidal to swallow. The modern world is all about a burgeoning welfare state...well, its all about to implode under its own weight. And I am here to tell you Leftist scam artists that when it does, you will NOT be continuing on with martial law and the usual insanities that are seen when a doomed-to-fail economic model finally crushes itself under its own cancerous weight. YOU, obama, we are WATCHING you...every little twitch. TRY martial law and we drop the blade on your head. Now you know what awaits you, its up to you to avoid it. :D How are we going to fight back? Self-Reliance. The Oldest and most basic thing of Life. Political independence Economic self-sustenance Self-reliance in defence Federal govrnments have all been corrupted worldwide into nanny-state/socialist hybrids that just make the problems worse and worse. To the point that Less-Bad is considred an Improvement. Thats just Sick and Depraved. Towns, Cities, Counties, States can all stand alone with a little work. And while each can stand alone, self-reliant as much as possible, as it was in the old days...there will be alliances to be found. I can hope they will be founded on mutual Trust and Respect where both/all parties benefit but there will be NO Overlord Authority standing there like a fat-assed mobster expecting its cut under threat of force...they call it taxation. Its actual name is Extortion. I heard texas is minting its own Currency, and at least one Native Tribe has established their own Digital Currency. Great things have small beginnings. Our company will NOT pay a single cent in Taxes to th feds. Nor will we adhere to preferred hiring practices and discriminate against caucasians. Theres a LOT of folks out of work, wanting jobs, and our hiring practices will be based on do you want to work?. We have a plan in establishing our own Bank, to protect employees earnings from misappropriation by the Feds. But, if the Feds want to fight about it...theyd better be ready to go hand-to-hand because we wont be fighting it out in court. The Bank, will follow the Ancient principle of Banking...meaning for every Dollar on deposit, it MUST have a Dollar in assets. NO credit based effing around with other peoples moneys. We still have a LOT of work to do on that alone... but you get the idea. The Old times had some good ways of doing things that can be made better with modern tech...the strengths of the Old with the strengths of the New. Whats in it for us?? Being able to meet our own eyes in the mirror, face those people in the glass, and not have to shy away in shame. Money, power, and all that are NO recompense for poisoning your own spirit. Were Pagans. Were Natives. This is how we roll.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:52:13 +0000

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