Some fun info on Thorold High School back in the day - TopicsExpress


Some fun info on Thorold High School back in the day ^_^ Thorold High School. Certainly the people of Thorold and vicinity have good cause to congratulate themselves on having one of the finest and best arranged buildings devoted to educational purposes to be found either in the County of Lincoln or Welland, and it is a credit to those who worked for it, and speaks well for the progressiveness and liberality of the people, and of their earnestness in educational matters. The grounds upon which the High School building is erected was sold by Dr. Rolls, of Thorold, for the purpose of erecting this school building upon them for about half its actual value—a practical proof from him of the interest he takes in educational matters. The grounds consist of two acres and thirty-six and a half rods, and cost $1,856.77. They are bounded on the west by Ormond st., the north by St. David st., and on the east by Carleton street. The building stands on elevated ground, and it would seem that nature especially designed the spot as a site for an institute which should be devoted to teaching the youth of the country. In the spring of 1875 the Trustees of the High School asked for $5.000 for the erection of the building, and the first council of the Town of Thorold liberally appropriated and placed that sum in a single year to the credit of the Trustees. The building is made of brick, the window and doors, edgings and water –table of white brick, and the building itself, which is two storeys in height, surmounted by a high roof, is quadrilateral in form, with a porch on the east and west side, the west porch having a projection for a tower and belfry; the lower storey contains a hall, library, recitation room and two class rooms, the two class rooms each having a closet opening into them which is used for keeping maps, apparatus, etc., etc.; the second storey is divided into a hall, recitation room, and one class-room extending the whole length of the building; the class rooms and recitation rooms are abundantly supplied with black-boards, and contain registers and ventilating apparatus. The whole building is admirably lighted, the windows are frosted and can be easily raised or lowered, the ceilings are lofty. The cellar provides sufficient space for heating apparatus, storage of coal, etc., and the entire cost of the building was about $5,400. The grounds surrounding the school-building when finished, will be beautiful terraces, partially surrounding the building, the crests of which are adorned with a large number of fine wide spreading elms of many years growth. Below the terraces a fine lawn intervenes when approaching the building from Ormond street, and the situation is such that a fountain erected will add greatly to beautifying the grounds, which will be set out with ornamental trees and shrubs. The whole appearance of the building and grounds is very fine.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:53:54 +0000

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