Some further reasons why the multi-verse hypothesis is a farce: 1. - TopicsExpress


Some further reasons why the multi-verse hypothesis is a farce: 1. it is impossible to examine anything beyond the universe we live in so any ideas about the existence of other universes must be either based on faith (perish the thought) or revelation from God or some other transcendent intelligence (perish the thought again) 2. A multi-verse does not rule out God it just gives him a bigger job and makes him appear even more amazing than he already is. 3. Given the unbelievable precision needed in the cosmological constant needed to make our universe a reality, the chance of our universe coming about by accident based on that constant alone is incredibly unlikely no matter how many universes there are. 4. in the unlikely event that the cosmological constant could arise by chance our universe also demands a further 20 or so more fine tuned constants to give us this universe. 5. No matter how many universes one postulates into existence one has still to wonder about the existence of information which resides in all living things and is responsible for not only their existence but their fine tuned and amazing complex characters. Information was not even considered by Darwin and is an incredibly significant oversight. 6. The incredible fine tuning needed to produce carbon and then to create from that chemical living organisms that could worry about such things is the final nail in the already well sealed coffin the atheist finds comfort in.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 04:11:02 +0000

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