Some great advice from Precision Nutrition I wanted to share. I - TopicsExpress


Some great advice from Precision Nutrition I wanted to share. I know a lot of us are trying to get in better shape, eat healthier, lose weight, etc. But I also know, from personal experience, and from what I hear from others, is that oftentimes what we say isnt always what we do. Accountability Strategy #2: Get some help from at least one other person. Let me tell you a quick personal story. There was a time, a few months ago, when I started skipping one or two workouts each week. Why? Because I was “busy.” The exercise didn’t matter much in the context of one week — it’s not like I was getting out of shape every time I skipped one — but after a month, I’d missed 7 total workouts, nearly half of my gym time. Not good. And it was showing in the mirror. I looked a little less “in-shape” than I would have liked. Plus I just felt crappy and a little guilty. Obviously my problem wasn’t a program one. No special workout routine, new diet plan, or magical supplement could help. What I had was an accountability problem. No one was checking to see if I was doing my workouts. And because of that, I was slacking. So the next day I called a personal trainer friend and asked if he had any openings. Even though I know how to work out and eat healthy, I asked if he would write my workouts and train me at his gym a couple times per week. I made myself accountable to him. Of course I could still skip my workouts if I wanted to. But that would involve actually calling and canceling an appointment with him. Not surprisingly, ever since I became accountable to my friend, I haven’t missed a single workout. And I feel incredible. What can you learn from this? First, know that we all sometimes struggle with staying in shape. (Yes, even fitness professionals like me.) It’s no big deal and doesn’t mean you’re deficient in any way. It just means you’re human. Second, know that if you’re struggling to get in shape the best thing you can do is hire someone to keep you accountable. It could be a coach you pay money to or a friend who will meet you at the gym.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:34:30 +0000

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