Some great snippets -- Marijuana use can have physical, - TopicsExpress


Some great snippets -- Marijuana use can have physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits: THE FEAR OF MARIJUANA... stems from its limitless potential for treating illness, in that both the pharmaceutical industry and the medical monopoly would lose billions of dollars if marijuana became the non-drug of choice. (p. 61) PHYSICAL BENEFITS The Physical benefits of marijuana are far-reaching, widespread, and long-term. Because of the way marijuana impacts the Autonomic Nervous System which expands the breath and relaxes the body, its potential for health and healing are enormous, and have been completely unrealized by Western Medicine. The following passages are excerpted from The Benefits of Marijuana: Physical, Psychological, & Spiritual: It is mainly because spiritual values are abandoned during eras of materialism that marijuana is banned today. And, ironically, it is because these values are so absent in the modern culture that the marijuana experience is so ardently sought. (P. 67) Perhaps investigation into the higher human values could not surface in the industrial West until all imaginable physical, psychological, and social dysfunction reached dangerous proportions. (p. 67) Heres the full read of excerpts and more. benefitsofmarijuana/benefits.php
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 05:31:09 +0000

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