Some guy posted on a freinds Facebook page Boycotting JetBlue - TopicsExpress


Some guy posted on a freinds Facebook page Boycotting JetBlue In response to Jetblue offering free flights to Officers attending the Funerals of Detective Liu and Detective Ramos. My Reply Below: Im sick and tired of hipsters from gentrified neighborhoods talking tough and protesting against my Colleagues and I. A profession where 99.9% are out there doing the right thing with integrity. A profession without which, you would not be able to exist in your little newly gentrified neighborhood. The very same people that wouldnt be able to live in the neighborhoods they call home (5) years ago because it was too violent, now able to live in places like Highland Park, Echo Park, Silver Lake act all HARD now. Acting like you can relate to the plight of Michael Brown, with his long rap sheet, walking into the corner store and strong arm robbing it... by intimidating and pushing a much smaller clerk to take some cigars. Acting like you can relate to Eric Garner, again with his long rap sheet, resisting arrest - again. I call you left wing, liberal, self hating nut jobs, because Ive been to the protests, Ive seen whos protesting (nay boycotting), Ive heard the chants, and been the target of your vile putrid venom, all while Im there to protect your first amendment right to be there. Because, without my colleagues and I, folks like Eric Garner and Michael Brown would go unchecked in your little corner of the world. Robbing your stores or places of business, burglarizing your homes, dealing dope on your street corner, stealing your car, attacking you in broad daylight for your newly gotten iPhone.... And who is there for you when these things happen? US, THE POLICE. Were the ones you call Were the ones that respond Were the ones that chase down the the criminal that just violated some part of your life. Were the ones willing to put our lives on the line to restore order to the chaos in your life that caused you to call 911. Boycott JetBlue, while youre at it, Boycott dialing 911.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:45:09 +0000

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