Some helpful tips: Water,water,water. Water is a crucial part of - TopicsExpress


Some helpful tips: Water,water,water. Water is a crucial part of weight loss. It is very important that you up your daily intake and to make sure your body is properly hydrated during workouts. One word: Protein. One of my biggest problems was not getting enough protein. Being a vegetarian is great, but you have to make sure that you are getting the proper amount of protein so that you can turn your body into a fat fighting machine. Burn more,lose more. You want to try and burn at least HALF of the calories you consume. If you want real results then this should be a rule of thumb. Organic doesn’t always mean better.You’ll be surprised at some things you can buy at Whole foods or your local organic store. Just because it is all natural doesn’t mean it isn’t considered a junk food. A sugar is a sugar, a carb a carb. Just make sure to read the label, know what you are putting in your body. Snacking can keep the pounds packing. Excessive snacking is bad,bad,bad. Try to break this habit.It’s amazing out cutting out the grazing can have you looking amazing. Write it down.Keep a food journal. I have an app for my phone that makes it very easy to track what I’m eating. I have known a lot of people who didn’t even realize that they were over eating because they simply weren’t keep track of it. Cardio. Cardio is a big necessity when you’re wanting to bust out that gut. Try at least 3 times a week, 30 minute sessions. Break it up if you have to. 15 minutes in the AM,15 minutes in the PM. Just get yourself moving! Brush your teeth. I have found that when you have a craving that brushing your teeth really does help. If I get an urge to binge I brush my teeth and it really does help the urge go away.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 01:37:01 +0000

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