Some highlights from the Rand Paul rebuttal to Comrade Obama’s - TopicsExpress


Some highlights from the Rand Paul rebuttal to Comrade Obama’s SOTU speech: Overall, I found much to agree with in Paul’s speech. However, a few of his points need more clearly defined terms. • “I think America would be better off if all our politicians took that same approach: “First, do no harm.”” When Rand says “do no harm,” to whom does he mean that no harm should be done? Many who quote this mean “do no harm to GOVERNMENT.” They refuse to attack wasteful government programs because all the “free stuff” is popular and keeps getting them elected. So, Rand. Let’s clarify that one a bit. • “If Congress cannot, or will not, balance the budget, then we should amend the Constitution to make it mandatory.” HALELUJAH!!! • “I fear that this enormous burden of debt threatens our currency. I fear that another 2008-style panic is possible, and I fear that this degree of debt is an imminent threat to our national security.” Possible? Try ‘probable.’ If we don’t reign in our wasteful spending, get people off their butts and back to work, and start seriously cutting into the debt, we WILL collapse. It’s just a matter of time. • “We are foolish to believe we will solve this puzzle. We must defend ourselves and defend vital American interests, but we must not be deluded into believing that we can remake the Middle East in an image of Western Democracy.” Well, you COULD remake the middle east in our image. But no civilized person wants to do what it would actually take to make it happen. • “I think peace will come when those of us who have enjoyed the American Dream become aware of those who are missing out on the American Dream. The future of our country will be secure when we break down the wall that separates us from “the other America.”” Those who have tried to achieve the American Dream and failed, and tried again, and again, and again… I respect completely. Those whose idea of the American Dream is a bigger welfare check can ROT for all I care. The biggest thing separating most who are striving for the American Dream from those who have achieved it is GOVERNMENT. • “Obamacare restricts freedom and must be repealed!” Amen. Now quit flapping your gums and get it done. • “I say: We will not cut one penny from the safety net until we’ve cut every penny from corporate welfare!” Again, you need to better define your terms. There is no such thing as “corporate welfare,” unless you’re talking about programs like the Obama stimulus giveaways to companies “run” by political donors and allies who never did what they were given the money to do, and simply pocketed it and walked away. THAT kind of welfare MUST stop. Beyond that, there is no such thing as corporate welfare. • “The President created this vast dragnet by Executive Order without Congressional authority. He should immediately end this invasion of our privacy.” MAKE HIM STOP. If you and the rest of congress aren’t going to actually do something about it, quit pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining. • “To defend the Bill of Rights, we must have a strong national defense. I believe national defense is the single most important, Constitutional obligation of our Federal Government.” Without a strong defense that keeps all external threats EXTERNAL, nothing else matters. I do agree that we should scale back our international presence and quit trying to rescue every cat from every tree with our military. • “It can include a balanced budget and a simple, fair tax system.” Or a flat tax.. • “To fix this, I will introduce legislation called “Read the Bills Act.” It mandates that Congress wait one day for each 20 pages of legislation.” Why think so small? Why not pass a law that says ALL laws passed must be SINGLE ISSUE laws, with no riders or pork, and must cite under what part of the Constitution they are legal. breitbart/big-government/2015/01/20/rand-pauls-response-to-obamas-2015-state-of-the-union-address/
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:27:51 +0000

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