Some immigrants were picked up by agents hiring men to work in - TopicsExpress


Some immigrants were picked up by agents hiring men to work in coal mines or steel mills. Most of these were Czechs, Hungarians, and Poles. The first of these immigrants prepared the way for later waves. Italians with construction jobs in cities arranged for other Italians to get such jobs. Large Italians with communities developed in eastern seaboard cities and, also, in San Francisco. Saving their money, Italian laborers brought over families or brides from the old country. Soon, there were neighborhoods with Italian grocery stores and restaurants, Italian theaters, and churches with Italian priests. Other immigrant groups developed similar communities. Where the Russian Jews congregated in New York, there were soon synagogues and kosher restaurants, butcher shops, and delicatessens. By 1910 nearly all cities had quarters known as "Little Russia," "Little Poland," and "Little Hungary." From Massachusetts to Illinois, there were mill towns, mining towns, and steel towns where a large part of the population was Czech, Hungarian, or Polish. Tens of thousands also came from Canada. While Boston had concentrations of Irish and Italians, some of the mill towns around it were largely French-Canadian. Other tens of thousands of immigrants came into the Southwest from Mexico, joining the large Mexican group that had become American by force of conquest. In the Far West were Chinese who had come to dig for gold and, later, to work on the railroad. About 1890, Japanese also began to arrive in California. There were parts of the world that did not contribute to America. Except for Armenians, few came from Turkey or the Arab Middle East. Few came from India or Southeast Asia. Nevertheless, with large groups from Africa, all parts of Europe, Canada, and some parts of Latin America, the United States by 1910 could boast of having the broadest gathering on the planet and they became The United State of America. America is a Spanish name in honor to Americo Vespusio who discover the new world which Columbus thought that was The West Indies a few seconds ago · Edited · Like.. Bismark Montes America is a Spanish name in honor to Americo Vespusio who discover the new world which Columbus thought that was The West Indies
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 01:25:53 +0000

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