Some interesting things about Ferguson that make one - TopicsExpress


Some interesting things about Ferguson that make one go...hummmmmmm? 1] (p)resident Obama came on national television and the first thing he said is We are a nation of laws... Funny how he remembers that now, and not two weeks ago when he executive fiat the illegal aliens in the United States. 2] In his speech the president mentioned the protesters could use their energy for peace and good, constructive; or use it for unrest and evil, destructive purposes. But why give an option, why not just say if you do wrong, you will be held accountable. Again, his speech was lack luster and hypocritical, and obviously no one was listening to him in Ferguson as things spiraled out of control. His remark stating more black officers need to be assigned to poor areas is itself a racist remark, and one that would send the Nation back to the 60s as we restructure the nation into black zones and non black zones. Does this mean Hispanic officers would police Hispanic areas, and Asian officers policing Asian areas? Will white officers be discriminated against since 96% of crime is conducted by black men on black men, and 30% of prisons are populated by black men. Does the law discriminate and say its only a fair law if a Black officer confronts a black male? Or is the law some how perverted if a white officer confronts a black male. Perhaps Black people can make the jump one day that it is not the color of ones skin, but the color of ones actions, that determines the consequences to their judgment. 3] The Gov of Missouri claimed he had the national Guard on stand by, and they were quartered in Ferguson but they were missing in last nights riot. Why? The mayor of Ferguson purportedly called the Governor several times to have him activate the National Guard, but he never could be reached. The Mayor cried out...I am standing in my back yard and my city is burning. Again, why? As Governor of the state would you not be on call to the Mayor knowing an explosive situation was imminent? Where was the Gov of Missouri? Is it true as reports are coming out that he was told to stand down by the Dept of Justice and Eric Holder? And if so why did he not communicate this to the Mayor of the city of Ferguson after making the morning statement that National Guard would be there to protect the business of the owners who were looted 4 months ago. Where were the 100 FBI agents that were reported to be there to help the police dept? Most important, why didnt the police force take a more active roll in protecting the property of the business owners as rioters went unchecked in a destructive rampage that burned parts of the city to the ground? Were they told to stand down as well? 4] The black leadership was sucked up into a black hole as none were present to calm the situation. Worse, hell brought forth Defunked rev Al Sharpton, an antagonist and rebel rowser that only caused the ramping up of the violence, as he continues to propagate his civil rights agenda. Civil rights? Is this a civil rights case, or is this a case about black violence in a black community? rev Al says Michael Browns Civil rights were violated. Yes, they were. By Michael Brown himself. He committed a felony, a misdemeanor, and a felony within 15 minutes, and assaulted a police officer, tried to get his gun to shoot him, ran away, turned around and in a fit of rage charged the officer in the hopes of doing him harm. When you commit a felony you loose your rights as a citizen. When you charge an officer with a loaded gun aimed at you, it could be considered suicide by police fire. It definitively depicts a lack of judgement. 5] Eric Holder announces the Federal Investigation is still ongoing, even after it is know that his office has every document, report, and evidence that the Grand Jury had in their deliberations. I find it hard to believe the officer can be found guilty of Civil Rights violation in the scope of executing his job in responding to a strong armed robbery by a black man. I find this action by the Federal government to be a further distraction and added salt to the wound. 6] No matter how you see it, the police force in Ferguson was missing during the riots. A black mark by all who were in charge of protecting the public and their assets. After having 3-4 months to plan for this night, it was a failure by anyones standards. Now the Gov says the National Guard will be there [a bit late] tonight, and officers on the ground state...that they are going to take it tonight, insinuating that they will be more aggressive in their behavior tonight. This could be a situation in the making as many demonstrators might think they have a free pass to do what they want as last night showed a lack of police force. It is reported one man was shot, and then set on fire and burned to death. Was it a white man to make up for the black youth who was killed? Where is the reporting on this? 7] ABC, CBS, and NBC did not air any news on the riots around the country. Does not media have a responsibility to do so? One would think it would be on all channels, but not the big 3. So now a larger question must be asked. Is the news media owned by the administration? Is the American media compromised, and are they no longer objective in their reporting? We should consider changing them from a news channel to an entertainment channel as this appears to be what they do best. 8] Most disturbing is the truth we must all bare, that race discrimination in America seem to still be an issue. But who is responsible for those issues. Those who commit the crimes and thus place themselves in harms way to be confronted by law enforcement? The Civil Rights leaders who seem to ONLY show up when an incident is committed by a white man on a black youth? Even when we know this is less than 3% of the time? The police who are charged to protect the public, and themselves against crimes? Or is it a social break down in our society that depicts the police as the enemy, and the black youth as the likely criminal based on statistical data? The law applies to all of us. Although this is a tragic event, it is mitigated by the suspects own actions. As a legal event, the officer is with in his rights to use deadly force based on the evidence of this case. That others use this to propagate their own agenda, no matter what the outcome, is unfortunate. But the opportunity to be relevant once again in the national media sometimes draws the egotistical and narcissistic back into the lime light. Does America have a Civil Rights problem. No. Civil rights are not the issue here. Its criminal rights that the nation needs to have a discussion on.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:29:58 +0000

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