Some lovely feedback coming in from our 7 couples from the last - TopicsExpress


Some lovely feedback coming in from our 7 couples from the last Essential Mummas Antenatal Course, we have 1 space left on the June/July course for Mums due Sept/Oct. This next course is led by our practicing midwife Clare, breastfeeding guru Viki and myself, we cover all aspects of labour/birth and the early postnatal period - £150 per couple I really enjoyed the class and felt that it was geared equally to us both as a couple which is really important as I didnt want my other half to feel like a spare part. I hugely appreciated how open, honest and pragmatic Nicky was about things, its given me the confidence to believe in my instincts and to make my own choices rathe than try and fit other peoples expectations. We both really enjoyed it - although a lot of it was things Id read about, it was different hearing it all put together if that makes sense, and combined with practical advice for partners as well. It was also great to have the chance to ask questions about odd little niggly things - stuff Ive been worried about as may end up with an induction, and slings! Feel much more confident that neither of us will act like headless chickens now :).
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 13:30:05 +0000

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