Some may suggest the reason Peter began to sink was because he - TopicsExpress


Some may suggest the reason Peter began to sink was because he took his eyes off of Jesus or lost sight of Jesus. I think the real issue lies in our failure to realize who we are – our true identity. Peter walked on water in his true identity as given him by Jesus – well right up until he didn’t. Our present in many ways is defined by our past – a present reality of a past life. Even if we try to forget some of it there are plenty of people and things that will continue to remind us of it. The issue we face is that we don’t ever seem to go back far enough into our past. Back to the heart and mind of God before there was anything. What we don’t seem to get is that we are a new and unique expression of God that started in his mind and heart – a dream come true in the eyes of God. That is truly walking on water, or air or anywhere else we may want to go. Until we get that, we will never walk as Jesus walked or where Jesus walked. In the end Peter knew what it meant to walk on water: “to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature” I bid you take another look at what the vessel of your past is riding in – nothing less than the divine nature that you have become a part of and included in – that is your true identity – and what is beyond the vessel that is your recent past - is way bigger, more powerful and eternally significant – participating in that is walking where Jesus walks. Some might say –all fine and good, but just more platitudes and nebulous ideas. OK, fair enough. If you go back to the first part of the verse above it is clearly laid out. “to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God.” Our inclusion in the spirit life of righteousness in the Godhead is where it begins. God did this on our behalf without any input from us – when we come to believe this and in faith begin to participate in it – that is where we begin to experience the divine nature. We begin participating in the CUDL relationship (the relational ontological righteousness of the Godhead). We can then begin walking in our relational COMMUNION, our relational UNION, our relational DISTINCTION all expressed through relational LOVE – the same CUDL relationship that the Godhead has participated in for eternity past. It is in this we have obtained the like precious faith of Christ – he walked this life in the flesh and he has given us that life and sees our life –past, present and future - as white as wool. The first step out of the vessel of our recent past is to see ourselves as Jesus sees us – a most precious pearl he was willing to give up everything to have.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:54:44 +0000

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