Some months back I had no health insurance and ran out of all my - TopicsExpress


Some months back I had no health insurance and ran out of all my medications. Scary shit. Asked an in-law for help (had a best friend that was a doctor, no help). Finally found a reasonable clinic, but all my levels were whacked-out (blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol) so the new doctor just doubled all my meds. So for the last month Ive been just falling asleep anytime I sat down and my stomach has been queasy. Tuesday I went in and had all new blood work done and good results, blood sugar is low, weight is down a bit, blood pressure is still about the same, but the doctor is thinking about taking me off of the cholesterol meds all together. And cut my diabetes medicine in half. Things were shaky for a bit there, but improving everyday #michaelessington #lifewontwait
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 02:55:18 +0000

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