Some more bad news for Florida Democrats. Scott will not be the - TopicsExpress


Some more bad news for Florida Democrats. Scott will not be the Republican candidate for governor in 2018. Why does that matter? Because for good or bad, Florida is basically a red State, allow be it not by much but enough unless there is a major difference in the two parties candidates, ie Lawton Chiles. Charlie Crist as a Republican beat Jim Davis by almost 350,000 votes. Jeb over McBride by 650,000; Jeb/ MacKay over 400,000. When there were arguably to of the best ever candidates matched Bush/Chiles the race was separated by only 64,000. Again, arguably as well when the worst candidates were pitted against each other the margin was around the same number. So my point is,void the Republicans running someone who has plead the 5th 75 times in a fraud case, the Democrats will have an uphill battle in 2018 unless they re-examine their brand and issue positions. If they think they can stay the course because they were close the last two times then I think they have miss-read what took place. They lost to someone that much of the public who voted for him still thought he was a crook but better than a Democrat. To my friends who are Democrats dont get mad before you give it some thought. Now you can scream at me (: Now some good news for my Democratic friends is this: The Republican Party may in fact have become a New Republican Party, as my friend former Republican Senator, now independent/Democratic supporter Nancy Argenziano like to refer to them and move so far to the corporate oligarchic position (remember the Budweiser/Independent beer fight of last session) that it makes it more competitive should the Democrats pick someone with the last name of Graham for example. So much has to do with which direction the two parties take these next four years but this is my humble evaluation for my few political junkies still remaining as my friends of fb.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:28:10 +0000

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