Some more thoughts on the great president Bush (the second one). - TopicsExpress


Some more thoughts on the great president Bush (the second one). No only did Bush mange to create another Vietnam as the main fear was in 02 and 03 before the Iraq invasion, but with the new threat of ISIS creates another historical parallel. After the assaination of Arch Duke Ferdinand and his wife, the world powers were quick to meet aggression with aggression by honoring their mutual defense pacts. Not a lot of diplomacy and patience was practiced. After WWI, when the world powers should have met Hitlers aggression in annexing Austria and the Sudentenland in Czechoslovakia with aggression diplomacy and pateince were used. Never mind that ISIS would not exist if we didnt invade Iraq to begin with, when we need boots on the ground to deal with this threat, we are only using airstrikes. Could that have something to do with the cost in lives and resources we used in Iraq? Certain politicians who will disagree with Obama no matter what he does thinks we need to invade. Everyone agrees ISIS needs to be dealt with and their tactics are disgusting beyond the ability of words to express (and no, liberals are not more offended by someone saying merry Christmas then someone having their heads cut off) but I dont see demonstrations of military families wanting to send troops into Syria and Iraq. History will not be kind to Bush.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:14:56 +0000

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