Some network marketing professionals are literally ruining the - TopicsExpress


Some network marketing professionals are literally ruining the reputation for this entire industry... and it can either be frustrating or empowering. I had a kitchen talk with some of my favorite people in the world about this, this weekend. You know, Im sitting on the countertop, someones on the floor, the other is seated at the kitchen table -- we just jump from topic to topic and could stay there for hours. We talked about the few that just push product, they dont walk the walk, they dont actually care about the outcome, they dont have integrity, they dont listen to the customer, they dont focus on anything but THEM. Perhaps we can all admit to a little guilt at some point when it comes to any of the aforementioned sins, but when you see a scary, sleezy network marketing professional, you know it. What I started to realize is that THOSE people should not scare the good ones away. In fact, it should encourage the people who are passionate, but on the fence because they dont want to appear to their friends, family and social circles as that guy. If you have PASSION + INTEGRITY and are willing to do this thing the right way, you shouldnt be DISCOURAGED by the icky, you should be ENCOURAGED. If those crazies can make it happen, who dont care about the people, who only see numbers, who only see dollar signs and only have conversations so they can inject the opportunity... ... imagine what YOU could do with heart, hustle, tenacity, integrity, passion, TRUE passion, hard work, honesty and authenticity. Imagine what YOU could accomplish if you did it the right way. If people can see the crazy, icky, sleazy a mile away, I can promise you they will see the servant heart, mentor leader, generous, focused, loving, honest, caring YOU that isnt about bonuses, ranks, monthly numbers or whats in it for them TEN MILES AWAY. When the world has too much of them, the answer IS to join them. What you have will stand out so loud and so proud that they cannot ignore you. ... at least thats the kind of people that I want in my corner, on my team, working side by side MY people. I wont let the sleeze put ME in the box.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:15:35 +0000

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