Some of my Facebook friends have posted things along the lines of - TopicsExpress


Some of my Facebook friends have posted things along the lines of police officers deserve more support or they are keeping you safe from dangerous criminals. Thats true to a large degree, and I respect every good police officer out there who believes in protect and serve. Being a police officer means putting yourself in dangerous situations where life and death depend on split seconds. However, how can you ignore how some police officers abuse their power? How can you deny the fact that hundreds of people, mostly black men, are killed by police every year? Iceland had their first police killing EVER and it was a national tragedy. Here, not only is it not talked about (except for these very publicized cases), but police officers who kill unarmed individuals are basically NEVER indicted. When a life is lost, does that not merit an investigation? Do you not realize that the issues we are fighting about are not individual acts? Mike Brown and Eric Garner are not isolated cases, they are representative of a system that is increasingly holding police officers to less and less oversight. If you believe in the police, then you also NEED to be committed to reforming them.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 21:31:01 +0000

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