Some of my favorite people, living and dead are veterans: my Dad, - TopicsExpress


Some of my favorite people, living and dead are veterans: my Dad, Sarahs Dad, Mr. Mark and my Uncle Rich among them. These are Uncle Richs words from a letter to his wife and young son less than a year before he helped liberate the Dachau work camp near Munich: Imagine what a world this would have been had Edison said “It is too much for me, I will leave it for another.” Or if Luther, Calvin and St. Augustine had just relaxed in an easy chair and left their convictions die in their own heads. With God’s help and for his glory, all things are possible. May your purpose be more clear than the words your tired Dad writes you tonight. This is what Veterans Day is all about. The rest of Uncle Richs letter is below... Dickie, Your daddy is looking forward to the time when he can again be with you and hopes you are still a cute, sweet little baby boy who will still like to fall asleep on his Daddy’s chest. Daddy thinks of those times more than he probably should. Sonny, you mean more to me than I ever thought was possible and I have pledged myself to be the best dad possible. And as a soldier to make you proud of me and myself worthy of having such a fine son as you. What ever happens, what ever comes now, it will all be to make the future for you not necessarily easier [the easy way isn’t always the best], but more replete with opportunity. Especially must we be conscious of our religious freedom - and make the most of the opportunity presented to serve God - to be the children of His and devote our lives to Him. Never have I realized this so vividly as I do now and I pledge to make available to you every means of becoming a child of God. Besides that, I pledge to do all in my power to show you the way and also make available to you all the things necessary to make it possible for you to contribute to the fullest extent, your share towards making this a better world to live in. May God grant that in your time you will not have to go thru an experience of war time. I pray that your efforts many be expended towards and in a peace - loving world. I firmly believe that if we put forth an effort towards retaining peace in peace time – equal to only one iota of the effort expended in making war in the war time, that we should not have to go thru such disastrous and chaotic times as we are now. May one of your secular aims in life be to raise a national pride and spirit for the peace time efforts not only at home, but also abroad. Take, for example, the present German people. If they had but used a few of the hundreds of billions that they used in preparing for his present debacle and instead this money for raising and fostering national pride in peace and peaceful endeavors, how much better off they would have been and this does not to take into consideration even the rest of the world! Do not think yourself too insignificant either to make such an effort; for even the greatest of men were at one time mere babes, but they put before themselves a definite goal and made every effort to attain it. Imagine what a world this would have been had Edison said “It is too much for me, I will leave it for another.” Or if Luther, Calvin and St. Augustine had just relaxed in an easy chair and left their convictions die in their own heads. With God’s help and for his glory, all things are possible. May your purpose be more clear than the words your tired Dad writes you tonight. I love you dearest and look forward to your coming. Tonight I could talk all nite, but must cut it short. A big hug and kiss dearest and sonny – I think of you always. Your loving Daddy
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:03:01 +0000

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