Some of my friends are missing the point in supporting Malala - TopicsExpress


Some of my friends are missing the point in supporting Malala totally. We are not just supporting Malala as person but the ideology she stands for. We are taking this as an opportunity to promote right principles and ideology. Nobel peace prize is one way of doing exactly that. When Rosa Park refused to sit back seat of bus, she was not the first and it was not great act of courage but it started Civil Right movement. She won lots of medals and recognition later on. Remember Tiananmen Square protest scene of one Chinese guy standing front of tanks? That small act still symbolizes the act of defiance against the tyranny of a mighty state. Remember self-immolation of Bouazizi which triggered Tunisia Revolution. Yes, Malala is not the first, not the only and certainly not the last to get shot by terrorists. But she is one of them, she represents them, she symbolizes them. Through her, we support and remember each and every victim of terrorism. She embodies fight against terrorism.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 20:16:24 +0000

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