Some of the key Federalist later turned on it and became ardent - TopicsExpress


Some of the key Federalist later turned on it and became ardent Anti-Federalists later on, George Washington himself being one of them. It’s high time to put this federal monstrosity back into its proper place. If we admit this consolidated government, it will be because we like a great, splendid one. Some way or other we must be a great and mighty empire; we must have an army, and a navy, and a number of things. When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: liberty, sir, was then the primary object.. But now, sir, the American spirit, assisted by the ropes and chains of consolidation, is about to convert this country into a powerful and mighty empire. If you make the citizens of this country agree to become the subjects of one great consolidated empire of America, your government will not have sufficient energy to keep them together. Such a government is incompatible with the genius of republicanism. There will be no checks, no real balances, in this government. What can avail your specious, imaginary balance, your rope-dancing, chain-rattling, ridiculous ideal checks and contrivances? But, sir, we are not feared by foreigners; we do not make nations tremble. Would this constitute happiness, or secure liberty? I trust, sir, our political hemisphere will ever direct their operations to the security of those objects. Consider our situation, sir: go to the poor man, and ask him what he does. He will inform you that he enjoys the fruits of his labor, under his own fig-tree, with his wife and children around him, in peace and security. Go to every other member of society,—you will find the same tranquil ease and content; you will find no alarms or disturbances. Why, then, tell us of danger, to terrify us into an adoption of this new form of government? And yet who knows the dangers that this new system may produce? They are out of the sight of the common people: they cannot foresee latent consequences. I dread the operation of it on the middling and lower classes of people: it is for them I fear the adoption of this system.. ~ Patrick Henry (June 5, 1788, Virginia constitutional ratification convention) The Republican Party is not and has not been a Conservative Party for many decades. It appears that most folks have lost the definition of what Conservative actually means. This term RINO thats gotten so popular is really just a smokescreen, a medicating salve to pacify people and keep them believing in the party. Ive got news for those who dont know, those people they like to blame everything on and call RINOs ARE the Republican Party! We have the Democrat Communist Party on the left and the Republican Fascist Party on the right, and thats all our masters will allow us to have. Choice here is nothing but an illusion. Both Parties are ultimately owned and controlled by the very same entities, including foreign governments, with a few exceptions from time to time. Thats why all we ever get from them is lip-service, broken promises, and excuses, while they are actually doing exactly what their puppet-masters tell them to do, and as long as people just keep on believing in them, supporting them, and doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, theyre happy, they have your consent, and nothing changes, and nothing will change for the better, ever. You could vote till kingdom come and it wouldnt change a thing, its rigged from top to bottom and inside out. You will never be able to change a totally corrupt system by working from inside of it, it just isnt going to happen. They are ultimately just two heads of the very same dragon that answers to the very same masters. The window-dressing and demographic appeal are of course different, marketed to each of the two sides theyve created for you to stay in, with no other options allowed, and of course this is no accident. I see people here going and ranting on politician’s Facebook pages and writing and sending letters them. Here’s the truth, none of these people even look at the Facebook pages and such that I know of. They have staff members handle that and all other forms of PR for them, just like they do for the letters you send. They dont personally read the letters you send nor do they respond to them. They never even see them. They have staff that are authorized to do that for them on their behalf, and they just copy and paste in the politicians signature or its already on the letterhead so it looks kind of legit, even though its a complete and total fraud. They also include some cute little patronizing statement to make you feel like they care; they dont. I wont say anymore though. I just want people to actually know whats really going on here and stop being so naive about it all. We are simply beyond the lesser of two evils game theyve been running on us all these years. Both parties are fully criminal and illegitimate co-conspirators in this locked in and lock out duopoly. The founders would have destroyed this abomination long ago or at least died trying. They most definitely would not have acquiesced to it. Its high time the people grew a backbone and started actually rattling some cages in person up there instead of cowering down at home and begging for crumbs from the masters table. But its going to take a lot of us to get it done, not just a few handfuls out there shouldering all the burden themselves the way it has been. Theyre all just sitting up there in their ivory towers sipping champagne and eating caviar on our dime and laughing at us poor pathetic peasants all the while. What a disgusting and despicable situation we have here! - JJ
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:52:55 +0000

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