Some of the more interesting things that happen in a parish are of - TopicsExpress


Some of the more interesting things that happen in a parish are of all places in the confessional. The news that Holy Trinity had a priest that could hear confessions in Italian became common knowledge, and before long I had more than an occasional Italian speaking penitent. My ability to speak Italian was primarily the Tuscan dialect which had over the years been selected as the official language of Italy. Many of the dialects spoken in the major areas were very different and at best difficult to understand. On one Saturday evening an elderly Italian woman confessed her sins and truthfully I understood about half of what she said. I blessed her and in Italian told her that God loved her and she should say three “Ave Marias”.There was silence and she did not leave the confessional. Again she began to speak and I could not understand why she was going through the same list of peccadilloes. When she finished I repeated please say three”Ave Marias”’ thinking that this time she would say thank you and go her merry way. Like before the silence, and then once more she went through what I thought was her list of sins. I honestly thought that this could not be a problem and there was great doubt that she was confessing to be a serial killer. So again with great patience I said” good night Signora,God loves you and please just say three Ave Marias.” I thought little of this but it was our custom to stand in front of the church on Sunday mornings to greet the parishioners before and after the Masses. One of my favorite people in the parish was laughing hysterically as she greeted me. “Father Tag last night my mother came to you in confession because she knew that you spoke and understood Italian. I gather you had trouble with her Calabrese dialect.” Why do you say that I inquired?” Laughing even harder she said”My mother told you she has bouts of gas and feels the urge to reliever herself when she goes to Mass. She asked you what she should do and you advised her to say three Aves’. That did not make sense so she repeated herself twice”. I let out a roar of laughter and once again was reminded never to take myself seriously, I am sure that story made the rounds at many Italian dining rooms that summer..
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:34:59 +0000

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