Some of the secret beliefs or rather assumptions of the Illuminati - TopicsExpress


Some of the secret beliefs or rather assumptions of the Illuminati is not that they believe they are related to those 2000 years gone of a specific line. It is more a case they secretly believe themselves part of those of an ancient secret counsel made up of families therein. Not the family of JC as it has been remanufactured to the Illuminati contrived beliefs. That they did to try and bridge their assumptions further. The secret counsel were an off shoot and an illegal one even ancient times and who worshipped Moloch and that was the worship and sacrifice of children to it. That is why that element is combined into the fused belief system of the Illuminati. That was banned under Moses and the secret counsel attached to another long ago was itself even criminalised 2000 years ago and if not longer. It turns out all the Illuminati had themselves tested genetically to all that found at Horeb and none made a match. I got told as well that woman found at Horeb was an obstruction to the secret counsel as well and blocked them to what they wanted then and for some reason her role to do with thing to do with Moloch ties in and her opposition to a secret counsel of men who worshipped it. The deal concept that has been incorporated into the post modern versions by the Illuminati are not to do with deals of this woman, but rather deals with a secret counsel that resulted in her death and all her families to end up at Horeb. For her and her family to end up at Horeb means they were not of lowly status, but deemed in life important. The same as the man found sat in the middle. The man found in the middle of the cave when discovered was called by the mid-centuries Nameless. Nemo. For some reason someone had removed his eyes, tongue and ears and that is indicative in terms of any form of mummification for any to tamper with the body is to try and interfere with the religious ideologies of rebirth. Who this family was in the cave and the man sat in the middle none really know and that is fact. It could be any family and it is also a known fact that over Sinai and Horeb in many caves there are still being found to this day remains of ancient bodies. The possibilities of who thi particular group of people were could be any body and that is fact and many hypothesis to could be reached and each would be assumptions. It is such notions over the centuries that itself has given rise to many myths and interpretations of who and what to those ancient remains. The Templars discovered the bodies by the mid-centuries and that was the secret they guarded. The Templars you have now are not the Templars back then. The Templars you have now are part of the factions and form the Illuminati game. They practice the occult and that itself holds no baring to the original Templars. The original Templars realised any assumptions to those remains found could cause controversy and the main reason they kept it secret of what may or may not be. The French crown and church though wanted the gold of the Templars and the secret and that on the latter being the mummified remains found at Horeb. So, a trial was set up to falsely accuse the Templars and it was already a foregone conclusion they would be found guilt regardless. The French King took the gold and church took the bodies. The reason the head of church was absent while the trials were in process during that time is he went to to Rome with the mummified remains and left the French King to deal with trials of the Templars. For six years or so they went on until only a handful of the original Templars left and including the head. Not even imprisoned for so long and nor tortured repeatedly could the French King get the last remaining Templars to denounce God and agree to the false accusations worshiping Baphomet. It turns out that sculpture of Baphomet was created by the church and crown as a means to falsely accuse and sentence the Templars. They did not worship that sculpture and that sculpture of Baphomet false to sentence the Templars to death and wipe them out. To eliminate all of them was always a foregone conclusion, as they crown and church wanted the secret and gold at any price and to the crown and church they could not afford any of the Templars to live. The head of the Templars and one of the last to die was sentenced to be burned alive and even in death he would not denounce God and nor accepted the false accusations. The French King angry he had failed to break him by imprisonment and torture ordered that they be burned with coals to make them suffer in death, as burning with coals is a slower and longer process. It turns out in terms of Baphomet that had nothing to do with the Templars, but was propaganda created by the crown and church to ensure their guilt verdict to be reached and yet all the Templars were innocent of this. Those who call themselves Templars now are not and none have any family connection to any of them, because ALL the original Templars were wiped out. None escaped to make it to Scotland or England as some believe and that similar is added myths and assumptions. What the Illuminati call lines is in fact their own assumptions to o with family members from millenia ago to a counsel who secretly worshipped Moloch, but even these assumptions by the likes of the Illuminati are tenuous to say the least and cast doubt on even those secret assumptions they have all so assumed and prescribed to be reflected in false practices. As there is no solid genetic evidence that they are related to the members of the secret counsel who worshiped Moloch. When all the facts are analysed it comes pretty much down to this. None actually know with certainly to much of this millenia gone and many versions have erupted of what may or may not have been and as such what we have now of Illuminati practices and beliefs more given rise to from the mid-centuries than anything else and in truth they ascribe to things they do not know nor understand fully themselves in any context. There are too many doubts of ifs and buts and yet still the Illuminati have become what they have become by assumptions and not by measure of knowing. They are more entrapped to their status quo they have contrived for their own legitimisations, which are false, rather than the focus of what matters and if that is not life and humanity itself. They now do not function in ideological realms of these important facets, but seriously lost focus and imprisoned themselves by what they have become. I was told a lot about the past and all the elements and to what they do now. It is fact. In their many factions that form the global network of the Illuminati not one of them can agree either to any of their versions and that alone shows greater possibility they are all wrong and should have kept it simple. All that occult stuff as well is bollocks. They were mid-century rewrites and to be re-interpreted again and again and again over time and to become the nonsense we have now. None of it is real and none of it works as in the way the Illuminati would aspire it to in their false rituals and practices. They can chant shit as much as they want and it will not conjure up anything. All psychological babble and nonsense, but like most similar scenarios in human history they have all fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Their own bullshit. All the religious assumptions of what may or may not have been as well the Illuminati and their factions have attached as propaganda to the NWO Fascist agenda as well and political and economic corruption. They have lost focus and seriously made a mess of themselves and everything else. Now where even doctrine is made of paedophilia and sacrifice. They would even kill their own and have done and do so without a second breath. In terms of the circles none are off limits. Not even those who head institutions in societal systems. If one of the circles wants them gone and regardless if high up in the Illuminati strata then the other will have them killed. There is no allegiance in the Illuminati circles and that is fact and they are quite often lying to each other, plotting and scheming to bump each other off. I think they are all bloody lunatics and degenerates. It is just not normal any of it. Anyway, this deal concept things that has filtrated down into the systems and methods the Illuminati use now when they target people, that has nothing to do with the woman found in the cave. The deal was to do with another and over her death. Not her, but those who caused her death and the family in the cave and it was a deal struck with the secret counsel who worshipped Moloch in secret. Who ever that family were in the cave none will ever truly know and as said it is fact over Horeb their are found other remains of many different ones over time placed there. So, what was or maybe not is open to much conjecture on all of it.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 10:42:11 +0000

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