Some of the signs of an impending societal collapse are: ◾Civil - TopicsExpress


Some of the signs of an impending societal collapse are: ◾Civil disturbance - riots, angry demonstrations, mass arrests and non peaceful protests ◾Road closures and roadblock checkpoints by Military Police ◾Military vehicles being transported on flatbed trailers or railway cars en masse. ◾Fuel lines and/ or shortages ◾Fuel rations ◾Bank failures, bank closures, and bank runs - people go to banks and find they have no money to withdraw and ATMs are closed ◾Banks introducing withdrawal limits ◾Banks freezing funds temporarily. ◾Banks taking unscheduled holidays or otherwise closed when they would normally be opened. ◾Food rations ◾Low product volumes on store shelves ◾Mass panic / buying and depletion of store goods ◾Increased police presence in normally peaceful areas ◾Militarization of police to include full riot gear and armored vehicles The above are great precursors to something going terribly wrong, if you see anything like this happening you need to start taking immediate action.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:55:46 +0000

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