Some of their ancient ways and knowledge of Mother Earth have been - TopicsExpress


Some of their ancient ways and knowledge of Mother Earth have been handed down from elders to their children and children’s children; there is so much to be taught and remembered about trying to LIVE IN HARMONY WITH NATURE and not destroying her. I hope the sacred knowledge and wisdom passed down will not be forgotten; that people will live in harmony with Gaia and not continue to harm her. The Native American was of the earth; as natural for him as for the animals; they loved the sacred earth and the feel of their skin on her soil, which gave them healing, strength and time for deep thought. Remember long ago as children......... the elders would show us the way to SIT QUIETLY and to be happy doing this; we were also taught the wonder of GIVING WITH A BIG HEART. We were taught to LISTEN AND WATCH; we became wiser and learnt of the sacredness of the streams and the place where we lived; we were very respectful of Mother Earth during our life. We learnt in nature’s academy, given to us by Great Spirit. Our elders walked barefoot to the stream alone, watching the early sun and APPRECIATING THE GREAT SILENCE - We grew to understand that silence would balance our mind, body and our spirit. We were taught that LOVE IS IMPORTANT TO OUR SPIRIT, and spiritual consciousness is the way to survival; we were known as a people who lived in God. We learnt that all on Great Mother Earth has spirit and WE ARE AS ONE; the winds and pebbles have a spiritual essence; a sacred trust to look after plants and the sweet animals; that money had less value than our land - the land would forever be and always give us nourishment; the land did not belong to us. We learnt of unity with the universe, and that everything is a circle. We never engaged in talking without thinking before we spoke; silence was important. The Great Spirit made us brothers EACH ONE OF US IS EQUAL......Colleen Costello......
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:24:19 +0000

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