Some of you already know but I want to let each of you know that - TopicsExpress


Some of you already know but I want to let each of you know that in November we will hold an in-house competition, complete with prizes. Our preparation for this competition will begin this week using a strength and conditioning template we have used before. Monday we begin again our foray into the Outlaw way. These workouts and skills are designed for Games quality athletes. If participating in the games is not a goal of yours why should you follow this program? Very simply because it will dramatically and very scientifically increase your strength, minimize injuries and improve your quality of life - thereby allowing you to be better at everything you do in life. Obviously, you are not expected to do anything g you are not physically capable of doing at present - scaling will occur for everyone who falls into this category. I will warn you up front that you will initially feel very beat up, you most likely will even have to lower you max efforts, but that you will adjust and even more quickly establish new max capabilities. Monday looks like: Snatch warm up: 5 reps each with PVC Jump shrug, snatch grip high pull, muscle snatch, landing position (snatch balance), overhead squat, sotts press, duck walk ( with bar in overhead) forward and back, tall snatch (bar at hips, think snatch without the dip, get up on toes, drop under into squat while snatching bar) Skill (or barbell work): 1) 15 minutes to establish a Max 3-Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, High-Hang = power position). 2) 3X1 3-Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, High-Hang) @ 90% of Max from #1 – rest 90 sec. 3a) 5X3 Snatch High Pulls @ 115% of #1 – rest 60 sec. 3b) 5X6 Pendlay Row – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. WOD (Conditioning): 3 rounds for time and reps of: 3:00 to complete- Row 500m (all out) ME Muscle-Ups in the remaining time (scale: dips) Rest 2:00 after each round. *Note: Each 500m row should be all out. Do not strategize to allow for more MU. Challenge: 4 x :30 sec L sit
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:42:10 +0000

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