Some of you guys know this guy, I have been reading his blog for a - TopicsExpress


Some of you guys know this guy, I have been reading his blog for a while but really like this one, Bruce who was up in the high country of Victoria be for moving to Vietnam to be a tour guide this is his latest blog post. Greetings friends. I have been following the unfolding crisis in Ukraine with concern, as indeed should everyone when major nuclear-armed powers are embroiled in acrimonious conflict. No one should want the war of words to escalate into a nuclear one! However, also of great concern has been the low standard of reporting of the crisis in the mainstream media. 24/7 we are being bombarded with a single narrative from Western leaders and mainstream media about Russia meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine, and invading Crimea. Reading and watching the mainstream news reports from Australia, US, UK and Europe has filled me with anger and frustration, as they have been utterly appalling and dishonest. In Orwellian fashion, Lies (by commission and omission) have become the accepted Truth. Propaganda hype has once again replaced ethical journalism. There is an ugly media war going on, and I wonder how many people actually realize that? Reputable alternative media tells a very different and more truthful story, yet reaches a smaller audience. No wonder most people are confused and misinformed, if they only choose a diet of junk news! Dont take my word for it. You can easily see what I mean, and judge for yourself, by clicking on the best source of free, daily world news - Information Clearing House: Paul Craig Roberts, an American writer and former US government insider, writes that The entire story...about the Ukraine is a propaganda production. He challenges the ...Western propaganda that Russia sent 16,000 troops to occupy Crimea. The fact of the matter is that those 16,000 Russian troops have been in Crimea since the 1990s. Under the Russian-Ukrainian Agreement, Russia has the right to base 25,000 troops in Crimea... [until 2042] Russia has done nothing but respond in a very low-key way to a major strategic threat orchestrated by Washington. He also explains what really happened in Ukraine: a story very different to the superficial one being spun by the mainstream media. The mainstream media tells us WHAT to think, with constant repetition of a simplistic narrative, and uncritically repeating official lies and half-truths. The alternative news media gives us the facts, historical context and diverse interpretations, so we are empowered to know HOW to think. From the mainstream media, how many people would even know that 5 billion American taxpayers’ dollars were spent by their government to really meddle in Ukraine by destabilizing the democratically-elected government, unleashing neo-nazi violent mobs, and actually paying the demonstrators, all to bring down a sovereign government in violation of international law, for their own perceived strategic interests? This mainstream media is the very same which has blood on its hands over the illegal wars against Iraq, Vietnam, and many other countries, because they acted as stenographers for the lies of the warmongers, instead of following the noble ethics of investigative journalism. The mainstream media has not been held to account for their past crimes, and they should not be trusted now. Referring to the complicity of mainstream media in hyping up the war against Iraq, investigative journalist Robert Parry asks: ...why haven’t many of the leading Washington journalists who pimped for those false WMD claims at least been fired from their prestigious jobs, if not also trundled off to The Hague for prosecution as propagandists for aggressive war? Remarkably, many of these same journalists are propagandizing for more U.S. wars today... With the crisis now in Ukraine, and ongoing conflicts in Syria, Iran, Venezuela, etc., where also truth is the first casualty, this is a very relevant and timely question, indeed. The current talk of sanctions against Russia is very short-sighted, and likely to have unintended consequences which the world might come to regret. It may even backfire on the Western Empire. Pepe Escobar quotes Russian presidential adviser Sergey Glazyev as saying: Russia will abandon the US dollar as reserve currency if the United States initiates sanctions against the Russian Federation. Interesting days are ahead. To really keep on top of the news, and see beyond the false narratives of the mainstream corporate media, click on the world news daily, Information Clearing House: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 01:49:16 +0000

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