Some of you may have heard me griping, moaning and full-on - TopicsExpress


Some of you may have heard me griping, moaning and full-on freaking the f out last year about “sensations” I was feeling on the right side of my abdomen/hip. It wasn’t painful- it was a pressure/tingling that ATE AWAY AT MY MENTAL WELL-BEING EVERY FRIGGIN’ DAY. After 12 appointments with various doctors and specialists and having several tests performed, my results came up with nothing. My last-ditch effort was to go back to the chiropractor, and I was recommended the chiropractor that the staff at LIVESTRONG uses. I had been to a chiropractor months before who had actually made my symptoms worse, so I was skeptical. Now two months later, I no longer have the sensations I was feeling, which turned out to be a lot of little jerkwad nerves flaring up from a bad lower back (L5, I’m told). I know that chiropractors are controversial and the benefit of their services debatable, but this guy is good. If you’re having some weirdness in your body, and you’ve spent well over a year and a lot of dough on tests that show nothing, maybe look into a good chiropractor. They might not be your answer, but maybe they will be. My chiro calls himself “The Last Resort.” He has had neurotic patients, like myself, who have convinced themselves that they had neurological disorders or heart attacks, and after coming up with nothing from their doctors, found solace in the magic of the chiro. I’m not recommending chiropractic services in place of other doctors or specialists, but if you think you can benefit from a good body crackin’, I highly recommend Dr. Richard. Now all I need is someone to help me with my neuroses.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 19:18:55 +0000

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