Some of you may have picked up on an announcement that Hyperkin - TopicsExpress


Some of you may have picked up on an announcement that Hyperkin will begin shipping the Reton 5 this week. We cannot confirm or deny this BUT we are very sad to say there is zero chance of them arriving on our shores any time soon as Hyperkin have told us only a few days ago that their initial first few batches will serve America only. We have been trying extremely hard to get them to do the honourable thing and ship to us at least enough units to forfil pre-orders, but Hyperkin do not seem interested in things like honour or telling the truth. It is rumoured that they do not have a CE mark yet for the product, which COULD explain the situation, or it could simply be greed and they realise they can make more money selling their initial units to their own market. We are extremely angry and frustrated with how this has been handled, and we are not going to make any more excuses or apologies on their behalf. We have continually been left to pick up the pieces by this company as they missed deadlines they never had any intention or ability to meet, imposed a wholesale price increase and then had the cheek to, literally a week after asking us to confirm numbers for our order, and only two weeks after we had been left with no choice but to ask our customers for an extra payment to cover the increase, tell us wed get our units in September as a worldwide simultaneous release was no longer possible. We have decided to go public with all of the info we have so you can make an informed decision whether you wish to wait or not. We will NOT be purchasing any more units than necessary to cover our pre orders and we will not be answering any questions about the console except from those of you that have pre-ordered as we refuse to act anymore as Hyperkins UK PR. Please direct any anger you may feel at Hyperkin as they deserve it. The Retron 5 may well be the best thing since sliced bread but we will have nothing more to do with it than necessary to forfill our existing orders for the product.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 18:42:28 +0000

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