Some of you may have seen my post very very early Monday morning - TopicsExpress


Some of you may have seen my post very very early Monday morning explaining that my phone was stolen at Put-In-Bay before the end of my gig. I tried for 3 solid hours to get the girls who took the phone to admit it and hand it over, but unfortunately the only thing I could come up with was the case they ditched in the bathroom at a different club while I waited for them outside of it. This left me extremely frustrated not because I still owed close to $600 dollars on the phone (which T-Mobile will of course get regardless if I still have that phone or not), but some of the photos and videos I had on it were not backed up and I lost all of them. Now, believe me when I say during the heat of the moment, I wanted nothing more than to deck those girls in the face for taking what belonged to me and refusing to give it back. Adding to the fire, they though it necessary to bring some of their friends into it to call me every name in the book and harass me in another language (these girls were Bulgarian, as were their friends) as I waited outside of Level 2 while the authorities searched the club for any sign of my phone. ***Side Note: to say the cops were useless in the situation is an understatement, as I was already expecting. I only included them with hopes of filling out a report for insurance purposes.*** But, to make a very long story short, as a lay down on my bed in my room, knowing I wouldnt be getting any sleep before the 6am ferry off the island, I began to reflect on the three most important things in my life, which I like to call my Nightly Checklist. My family? I still have their love. My friends? They still have my back. My health? I wake up every morning with both my mind and my body ready to start the day. And my dreams? Whats one phone to a millions wishes Ive made on stars that I know with a lot of hard work and dedication I can achieve. What Im trying to say is, always be aware of your surroundings, and by all means dont be careless with your things, but remember whats truly important in your life. Theres no use fretting over what I wont get back, so Ill move forward and count myself blessed for the things that I do have. I 100% forgive those girls for what they did although I will always believe that what they did to me was morally wrong, and I would never wish the 3 hours of hell I endured while chasing them all around the island on anyone else. But in the end, what happened has happened, and Im moving forward. In closing, a big shout out to Marty Hall for helping me make the smooth transition over to Verizon; I appreciate your help, my friend! Also, thank you to the staff at Mr. Eds for helping me every step of the way; even if we came up short, they stuck around and had my back. That was appreciated more than they know.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:03:12 +0000

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