Some of you may not have known today was Humanitarian Day, - TopicsExpress


Some of you may not have known today was Humanitarian Day, was. My dear friend Naomi, who has a heart of gold&fights so hard for the homeless/veterans informed me last week that a homeless veteran named Fred was going to honor me in a photo shoot for Humanitarian Day. You are all aware I serve the homeless at least once a month, amongst other passions in which I donate my time too, there was no way I was going to go without meeting this man. So, after work, I had the honor of meeting this man. Fred has the sweetest soul&amazing energy about him. We talked, we laughed, we took photos. I left there knowing Fred will be sleeping on the sidewalk. He hopes to get his new residence soon, he showed us a print out of the place hes hoping to get. I pray this happens for him. I hope you all pray for him&the others I met tonight. I plan to keep in touch with him&keep up on his story with the help of my friend. If there is anything I can tell you from assisting the homeless its that you dont know each individuals story, so dont be so quick to judge. If you saw Fred on the corner you may make assumptions, look the other way, but you dont know that he is actively trying to find a place to live, he has a small amount of income, he has grown his hair out all his life&every couple of years when its long enough has donated it to make wigs for children with cancer, he use to be involved in rides in honor of others or to benefit sick children, he fought for our country&now suffers from H&orange from the Vietnam War which is slowly killing him, the walking stick in our photos, he made, he planned to sell it for a couple bucks to make some money, I bought it, obviously for more than $2, I will treasure it, its a piece of him&his journey. To have someone with literally nothing willing to honor you for giving back to others is a feeling I cant even explain, tears, heartache&happiness in my soul all at the same time, it baffles me when I am acknowledged for things I feel as if every human should naturally be doing. If I ever had millions, oh, the people I would help. I hope yall wake up tomorrow&do something selfless, be kind, be better, do better. Give Back&Count Your Blessings. And Id like to shout out all my amazing friends that also donate their time to helping others in so many different ways, the world needs more of you. I am very proud to call you my friends. XxOo, J.R. #thejrway #humanitarianday
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 04:40:04 +0000

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