Some of you may still not know why the republicans voted no on the - TopicsExpress


Some of you may still not know why the republicans voted no on the health care bill. This is why. "Medicare’s Chief Actuary Richard Foster Said ObamaCare Won’t Keep Costs Down. “ “On The Costs Issue, ‘I Would Say False, More So Than True,’ Foster Responded.” “U.S. Health Spending Is Projected To Rise 9.2% In 2014, Up From The 6.6% Projected Before The Law Took Effect.” (Janet Adamy, “Health Outlays Still Seen Rising,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/9/10)" "Health Insurers Will Need To Increase Premiums Between 1% And 9% As A Result Of ObamaCare. " "Premiums For Families Will Increase By $2,100 As A Result Of ObamaCare. " "Premiums Plus Out-Of-Pocket Costs Are Expected To Increase By 12.4 Percent In 2011. " "Doctor Shortage Will Worsen Because Of ObamaCare, Leading To “More-Limited Access To Health Care And Longer Wait Times For Patients.”" "Increased Demand From ObamaCare Will Lead To Rising Costs For Families And Doctors Refusing Patients." "Increase In Medicaid Patients Will “Put Even More Pressure On The Strained Network Of Medicaid Providers.” "Obama Pays For His Government Takeover Of Health Care With Nearly $570 Billion In Job-Destroying Taxes On Small Businesses, Investments And Innovation. " “About One-Third Of Employers Subject To Major Requirements Of The New Health Care Law May Face Tax Penalties Because They Offer Health Insurance That Could Be Considered Unaffordable To Some Employees, A New Study Says.” (Robert Pear, “Study Points to Health Law’s Penalties,” The New York Times, 5/23/10)" “If An Employer With 50 Full-Time Employees Offers Coverage And 10 Of Those Workers Receive Premium Credits, Or Subsidies, The Employer Would Face A Penalty Of $30,000. If 30 Workers Receive Subsidies, The Penalty Would Be $40,000.” The Associated Press: “The Idea That Obama’s Health Care Law Saves Money For The Government Is Based On Assumptions That Are Arguable, At Best.” " Others in the government have concluded it is unrealistic to expect such savings from Medicare.” (Calvin Woodward, “Fact Check: Obama Ledger Out Of Balance,” The Associated Press, 1/25/11)" "Washington Post Editorial Board Says The Obama-Reid-Pelosi Bill Pretends To Be Budget Neutral Because Of “A Fiscal Sleight Of Hand.” “First off, $247 billion — the 10-year cost of the fix — is one whopper of a ‘discrepancy.’ … President Obama has vowed that health reform will not add a single dime to the deficit — but he is seemingly unfazed about adding more than a quarter-trillion dollars to the deficit by changing the Medicare reimbursement formula without finding a way to pay for it. " "Former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin: Without “Gimmicks And Budgetary Games,” The Health Care Reform Legislation Increases Deficits By $562 Billion. " " “Even worse, some costs are left out entirely. To operate the new programs over the first 10 years, future Congresses would need to vote for $114 billion in additional annual spending." gop/news/research/the-case-against-obamacare/
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 03:29:01 +0000

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