Some people When you express your ideas, some people will - TopicsExpress


Some people When you express your ideas, some people will criticize and reject those ideas and your expression of them. Go ahead and express them anyway, learn what you can from the feedback, and watch your confidence soar. When you live your life with absolute fidelity to the authentic person you are, some people will laugh and make fun of you. Let them laugh, and let that laughter make your enjoyment of your own true fulfillment all the more sweet. If you admit you don’t know something, some people might think you’re stupid or ignorant. Take comfort and satisfaction in reminding yourself that effective learning begins when you admit you do not know. Create value with honesty and integrity, and some people will look for ways to take unfair advantage of you. Be smart, be aware, be diligent and you can always stay several steps ahead of their dishonesty. Some people will complain and whine and berate you and spread vicious rumors about you behind your back. Yet you can always choose to let their negativity be their problem, and not yours. Don’t let the pettiness of some people slow you down for even a moment. Step forward with purpose, passion, positivity and confidence, and make your world the best it can be. Standing up for what you believe in can be a scary thing, but it is the right thing to do. So do you have it in you? Do you stand up for what you believe in even if it means you might lose a few friends? Do you stand up for what you believe in, even if your job is on the line? Yes it is a scary thing, but it is the right thing. Are short cuts really short cuts? Are cover ups worth it? Sooner or later the truth does come out, it just depends on who gets caught holding the bag. If you are the kind of person who just goes with the flow, you really are not standing for what you believe in, because sooner or later the flow will go against what you believe. The popular choice is not always the right choice. The fastest way is not always the best way. If you really stand up for something, sooner or later you will be at the crossroads. Will you go out of your way; will you go down a road you really do not want to go down, just because you may lose a few friends? Let me let you in on a little secret. If your friends can not respect your beliefs; then they are really not your friends Be fearless with the truth. Dont compromise on your honesty. Be truthful to yourself and dont forget it pays. Jesus died for the truth. Remember God in all your doings.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:35:41 +0000

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