Some people are known more for their alleged acts of omission and - TopicsExpress


Some people are known more for their alleged acts of omission and commission rather than their splendid success, thanks to the media. If there is one such person in Indian politics today, it is Amit Shah, 50, the newly-appointed national BJP general secretary and Narendra Modi loyalist, who is known for his sharp poll-related strategic skills and also for being a key accused in the Sohrabuddin fake encounter case. Very few people know that if terror attacks in India are under check today, Shahs role in solving the 2008 Ahmedabad bomb blasts by Indian Mujahideen terrorists as Gujarat Minister of State for Home is one of the main factors responsible for it. Gujarat Police officials, who probed the terror attack that left 56 people dead and 200 injured, openly admit even today that it was Shahs intelligence and diligence and Modis unstinted guidance that enabled them in solving that case in 21 days flat, a record of sorts when compared with the murky record of Indian police in probing terror cases. The solving of that crucial case immediately brought down the frequency of IM attacks since its flanks stood exposed. No wonder then that Shah could be in the Home Ministry at the Centre If Modi becomes PM in 2014. On the flip side, however, Shahs strategic skills are often viewed in the realm of intrigue by his adversaries in the political arena as well as Gujarat Police. His critics, who are by no means in small numbers, allege that Shah encouraged a culture of factionalism and vengefulness in the force because of his obsession with keeping total control over the force and for his political objectives. In the end, he found himself trapped by it when he was arrested in the Sohrabuddin fake encounter case. Shah left his flanks exposed before a politically vengeful CBI which wanted to fix him by hook or crook. Shah, of course, claims that he was the victim of a conspiracy hatched by some police officials in collusion with the Congress which was targeting Shah and through him Narendra Modi. The evidence marshalled by the CBI to fix Shah in the case is not only thin but also questionable. The scion of a business family of Mansa near Gandhinagar, Shah began his career in the RSS and soon caught the fancy of Narendra Modi for his intelligence and vision, which is not easily found in the highly regimented RSS. The images of two greatest Hindu icons, Chanakya and Adi Sankara, adorn his private office chamber. In the battle between Keshubhai Patel and Narendra Modi, which began in the late 1990s, Shah stood by the latter which ultimately paved his way for him to become the Minister of State for Home when Modi became chief minister for the second time in December 2002. Shahs skill in political strategy and vision are almost legendary. The way he evaluates Modis 12-year rule in Gujarat in economic terms is better than a good economist. Says a party leader, The way he brought the entire cooperative sector of Gujarat from Congress to BJPs fold is a tribute to his result-oriented strategy-making skills. One unmistakable trait about Shah is that despite his personal loyalty to Modi, he is seen as more of an RSS man for his strong commitment to Hindutva ideals. As Minister of State for Home, Shah took a strong stand against the activities of the radical ultra Wahhabi Muslims and kept them under check while being very flexible with moderate Muslim sections. It was at his behest that Gujarats Deobandi Madrasas stopped admitting Kashmiri students after some of them were found to have taken to terrorism upon returning to Kashmir after their studies. However, Shah has one big flaw that has hindered his rise and could do so in future: He has a habit of remaining incommunicado for long periods. This, in turn, keeps him disconnected at crucial times and ends up inflaming even his friends.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:27:28 +0000

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