Some people are scared of change, scared to think, scared because - TopicsExpress


Some people are scared of change, scared to think, scared because they did not do enough research, they did not gather the facts, some will simply base their decision on some outdated notion of old empire when Britain ruled the waves........the truth is we scots are either going to vote no out of fear or vote yes out of hope, hope for a better, fairer Scotland. A scotland to rise again......Im not gonna insult friends by calling them shitebags for voting no, or to call them misinformed, its a choice......if some want a Scotlandshire (a region) as part of a union of nations then fine.......I like many of my fellow scots dream bigger, soar higher like an eagle and I seek a country......a country that independently manages itself, sets a standard for others to follow. I aim higher in what I seek........only a YES vote can enable that......the status quo is not good enough!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:30:58 +0000

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